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Jake's POV

"I don't know how you did it man" rider hasn't left my cell since I started getting ready to leave

"Me either" I laughed

"You weren't even in here long!" I cleaned up my little area, having not much in here helped make it easy

"I know, I can't wait to leave though" I laughed

"Go get your girl my guy" he pat me on the back when he saw Reggie at the door again

I walked out of the cell for the last time, following Reggie to do the routine to get out of here. He walked me down 3 long hallways into a room where they were letting me change while they went through the stuff I was bringing with me to make sure it wasn't anything I shouldn't have

I stepped out of my stupid jail clothes and into the clothes I was wearing the day they put me in here. Reggie in the corner watching me made me kind of uncomfortable but at this point I couldn't care any less

I turned around to look at him and he turned to open the door to let me out. I grabbed my things and followed Reggie down another hallway to the exit.

"I don't want to see you again Jake" he spoke with his back still to me, he turned the knob and opened the door. We stepped outside into the first gated area before I was free

"If I see you again ill kick your ass you hear me" he unlocked the first gate

"I know I know" I responded as we entered the second gated area

"Good, stay safe" he unlocked the second gate releasing me from this stupid place

"You too Reg" I smiled at him while I walked out making my way toward my mom who stood next to her car

"Oh goodness Jake I've missed you" she pulled me in for a hug

"You too ma"

"Lets get you home"

"Thanks for the food ma" I spoke after chugging down a beer

"You're welcome" she responded "I have to run and do some errands, the keys are on the holder if you need to go anywhere" I could hear her keys dangling as she opened the front door "And you stay away from that girl Jacob, she's no good for you and keeps getting you into trouble"

I nodded knowing she saw me before she walked out

And now, I need to see my girl. I grabbed the keys and made my way towards the car, I had to make a quick stop before heading towards her.

I pulled into the driveway of my friends house, walking up to the door and knocking. Only shortly after the door swung open

"Jake! You're out" he gave me a bro hug before pulling me into his place

"Yeah yeah"

"How was it?" He laughed

"Stupid" I responded

"What brings you by?"

"I need something, something I can use to know where Katie is without her knowing"

"Oh I got you dude" he turned towards his room, grabbing a case where I knew he kept all his gear

"You'll get her back in no time"

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