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It's been almost a week since I got my stuff back from the apartment, everything is still in bags until I can figure out a place to live. For now I'm still at Jess's place, but her lease ends on April 6th which is only a few weeks away at this point so finding a place is crucial. I had seen a few listing's but nothing good enough, I needed something with decent security but most places like that seem to be fully occupied. 

Kyle told me I can stay with him for a while but if I can avoid that I will, I can't move in there with there being a chance of Jake finding out where he lives and coming after him. If I was going down for this it had to be alone. Not just that but I would need to quit my job and as hectic as it can get, I loved it there.

I had to change my phone number because Jake continued to call and text so much that I couldn't stand it anymore, I have seen him come around Jess's apartment but he hasn't tried anything. I ended up getting a restraining order in hopes that it'll keep him from approaching me..and so far he has kept his distance but it hasn't kept him from following me.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my body with a towel before going out into the bedroom where I had already laid out my clothes for the day. Jess has already began moving into Trey's apartment so most day's I have this place to myself. As I looked down at my outfit for the day an overwhelming fear came over me, suddenly it felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and realized the blinds were open a bit so I shut them, hoping the feeling would go away..

For my own peace of mind, I grabbed my undergarments and outfit and walked back in the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I slipped into my bra and panties before putting on my light wash denim jeans that stopped above my ankle, and threw on a white t-shirt and tucked it into my jeans, layering a few necklaces over top. I decided on a slightly over sized light blue blazer over my t-shirt and paired it with white sneakers and a small white purse. I left my hair down and in its natural straight state. Good enough for a casual Friday in my opinion

As I walked out to my car I once again got the feeling that someone was watching me, I looked around as I approached it and saw no one around 

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As I walked out to my car I once again got the feeling that someone was watching me, I looked around as I approached it and saw no one around 

You're overthinking it

I tried convincing myself, I'm sure I'm going crazy. I unlocked my car and as I sat in the drivers seat I noticed a little white paper under my windshield wiper. I've heard people say to never get out and look at it until you drive off just in case the person who left it is still around. I looked around before pulling out of my parking spot and driving off, I stopped at the closest gas station and quickly got out to grab the note, only shoving it in my pocket deciding that it would be best to wait until I got to work to look at it. 

I pulled into the parking garage and pulled out my phone to text Michael where I was, he's been kind enough to walk me to and from my car every day. After sending him the text I pulled out the now crumbled piece of paper out of my pocket. 

It'll always be you, only you

I knew his handwriting, after 3 years its hard to forget it. A knock at my window brought my attention to it, Michael standing outside. I smiled and grabbed my purse and opened up the door

"Good morning Katie" he smiled at me, I fell into his gaze..his eyes always had a way of locking me in place..he only just started calling me Katie, and somehow coming from him it sounds more special

"Morning" I responded, shoving the piece of paper into my right blazer pocket before locking the car door

"What's that?" he caught me

"what's what?" playing dumb is my specialty 

"I saw you put something in your pocket" we began walking to the elevators with him standing to my left

"I'm not sure what you're talking about" I could see him looking down at me through my peripheral vision, as we stood in front of the elevators I pressed on the down button and looked up at him

"Oh yeah?" he grinned, I smiled back, raising my eyebrows at him and nodding "okay" he spoke before he swung his arm around me, pulling me into him and sticking his hand into my pocket. He pulled out the note and brought it up next to his face "then what's this?" 

"No Mikey don't" I reached out to try to take it from him, unsuccessfully
Oh yeah, I call him Mikey now..or Mike but Mikey is my favorite

He turned around and looked down at the note in his hands, I stopped fighting when the elevator doors opened. I walked in and he followed shortly afterwards.

"Is it him?" He broke the silence

"I'm pretty sure" I didn't want to drag him into any of this, I know its too much to handle

"So he was at the apartment complex this morning" he looked over at me but I kept my gaze at the silver doors in front of me

"Mikey, I don't want to drag you into any of this," I looked up into his crystal blue eyes "I know it's scary, maybe it's best if you stay away from me..that way you're not at risk"


I cut him off "If something happened to you I couldn't live with myself" the doors opened up revealing the entryway to the bridge that leads to the building, I started walking out ahead of Michael until he grabbed my hand 

"Katie, if something happens to you..I wouldn't be able to live with myself" he turned me to face him "I'm going to be here for you whether you like it or not" once again his smile lit up his face

he's here

The same feeling I had this morning sent goosebumps up my arm, I looked around trying to see where he was. I could feel that someone was watching me and it has to be him. 

"are you okay?" I looked over the edge of bridge into the courtyard, and then out into the garage "Katie?" 

"Have you ever gotten that feeling that someone is watching you?" I grabbed onto his arm, pulling him into the building 


"Well I had it this morning, before I found that note and I have it again" it's gut wrenching, I could feel it in my bones that he is watching me somehow. We walked into the elevators that take us up to our floor, as soon as the doors shut I turned to look at him "I need to tell you something"

"Go ahead" he grinned 

"I like you" I took a deep breath "I like you a lot and I'm scared of either of us getting hurt" 

The doors opened once more, and there he stood, proving that I was right. 

*What are you guys thinking so far??*

*pictures are just for outfit reference, not what the actual characters look like*

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