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My dad woke me up at 6:30, for no fucking reason. We start at 9 but whatever, you know? Like why such an early start?
I got to school early, I waited for Parker, like he asked me to. I saw flash speed as Peter was crossing. "Sup, Penis Parker!" Flash yelled. Peter gave me a look, I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, you braided your hair?" Peter asked. "Oh, yeah. Is it bad?" I asked him. "No- No- I like it a lot." He stuttered.

"Thanks Parker!" I ruffled his hair. "I've told you to stop doing that, Zan. It takes time to get your hair like this." He told me. "You're right, you're right." I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway, Stark. Remember when you asked me to dinner and told me to call you?" He laughed.

I punched his arm because he said that a lot. "In all fairness, I didn't- I hadn't-." I stumbled over my words thinking of an excuse. "There's no excuse, Zan. You just have to get over it and realise, I win this fight everytime." He chuckled. "Whatever, Parker." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, what's the deal with Happy?" He asked me.
"Hogan?" I asked. "You know more than one Happy?" Parker raised an eyebrow, sarcastically. "Shut up, man. Carry on." I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't reply to his texts, I wanna know what my deal is you know?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean. It's fine, just do your mission thing today and go along as normal because you haven't been told any different." I told him. "Ok. Thanks." He said, smiling.

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