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We all stood outside the bus, ready to leave. I had no idea why I was here but Liz had been trying to recreate me for however long, I saw Peter running over. "Hey, it's Peter." Abe smiled. "Hey Guys." Peter greeted. "Hey Peter." Liz frowned in confusion. "Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team." Peter asked. "No, no way. You can't quit on us, stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone." Flash yelled

"Us?! Flash you're an alternate." I scoffed. "You're new." Flash glared. "Yet, somehow, I've made a permanent space on the team." I smirked. "Hey, welcome back, Peter! Flash, you're back to first alternate." Mr Harrington smiled. I smirked. "What?" Flash asked. "He's taking your place." Abraham laughed.

"Excuse me, can we go already? I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner." MJ told us. We got on the bus. Halfway through the journey we started to quiz each other. "Focus up, everyone. Our next topic is the moons of Saturn." Liz explained.

Peter was getting every single one right, that kid is pretty smart. Not in life, in school tho. Peter got a call from Happy and I went to the back with him and Ned because I knew he'd probably wanna talk to me about the same old shit.
"Look, Happy, I gotta say, you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy." Peter scolded.

Me and Ned pointed to the tracker that we had on the alien guys."That's different!" Peter scolded. I rolled my eyes."Zan, he wants to talk to you." Peter sighed. "Hey, Hogan. What can I do for you?" I asked. "Ha ha ha." Happy laughed sarcastically. "You sure you're ready for to go on this trip? I gotta say I'm kinda worried. You haven't really been out of New York since everything happened." Happy asked.

I was glad he cared but it just reminded me of what had happened with Steve and Bucky. "I'm fine I promise, I just get panicked sometimes, I think this trip might help me." I told him. "Well, you know, if you do feel shitty at any point, it's never too late for me to come and get you, right?" He asked. "I'll call you if anything big happens." I told him.
"Love you Zanna." He told me. "Love you too." I told him.
I gave the phone back to Peter.

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