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*rosanna's POV*

I could feel myself waking up, I looked up and saw Peter, I quickly sat up, still shaking. "Hey, hey. You're good." Peter assured me. "Where are we?" I asked. "We're at the grounds outside the Monument. It's fine, Mr Harrington knows we're here, I just told him you wouldn't want loads of people from school surrounding you as you woke up, we'll get a cab back it's fine." Peter told me. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help, Peter, i shouldn't have come on this trip, I knew I wasn't ready, I'm so sorry." I sighed. 

"No, Rose. Don't go all soft on me now, come on, who are you talking to? This is my fault, none of this is your fault." Peter whispered, hugging me. I felt awful, I'd felt like I'd really failed everyone today. Suddenly I'd found a new respect for Peter, he didn't have to stay with me, he protected us all and he proved himself. 

*peter's POV*

Thank, god. She was finally awake. I sat with her for a while, she clearly felt guilty. Like she'd done something wrong, but I'd been thinking about some weird shit.
How come I'd been so protective of her recently? How come I've made sure I've spent so much time with her? How come I've been so worried about her? What the hell happened last night when I saw her and lost control of my words? The whole thing was weird but I didn't wanna look into it too much, she's safe, and that's all that matters right now.

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