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Ben picked me up from the apartment building that Peter lives at, him and Peter got on well but he was a bit confused on why he was picking me up from another guys house, which is fair enough, he's only human.

He took me to dinner at quite a nice Italian restaurant.

Ben was a really sweet guy, he had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and he was quite tall. Me and him had been getting along for a while and Liz had been trying to get me with him for a bit but I always laughed it off.

(also I don't want it to seem as if I am objectifying him but he's on the football team so he was pretty jacked)

We were getting on really well, he was making me laugh and we finally got to desert.

"So, tell me...what are your usual moves at this point of the date?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I don't have any moves." He said laughing.

"Your the head of the football team and don't have any moves on a date?" I asked.

"You'll find out later." He said ,winking.

"Shut up!" I said, laughing.

He was HOT, like HOT. And the bad thing was, I was blushing, ew. I never blush over people. That's gross.

We finished dinner and he asked if I was ready, he held his arm amount for me to hold, that was cute, and took me out to his car.

We got in his car and I was starting to get nervous for the dance, no idea why. It was good nerves though, excited nerves.

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