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*rosanna's POV*

Me and Peter stayed together for a bit after school and just walked around for a bit. We went to this sandwich place.
"Sup, Mr. Delmar?" Peter greeted. "Hey, Mr. Parker. And who's this pretty lady?" Mr Delmar asked. I smiled. "Oh, yeah. This is my friend Rosanna." Peter introduced me.

"Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "Mind if I call you Rosa? My mom's name was Rosanna, everyone called her Rosa." Delmar asked. I froze, Bucky calls me that. My heart ached a little. I hesitated "yeah, yeah." i smiled. "Anyway, number five right?" Delmar asked Parker.

"Yeah, and with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks." Peter asked. "How's your aunt?" Delmar asked. Peter's aunt was really sweet, she got on quite well with my dad. I liked her a lot, she was gorgeous so she got a lot of people after her. "Yeah, she's all right." Peter shrugged.

"La tia de este es una Italiana que esta buenisima!" Delmar smirked to his co-worker. For those of you that don't know spanish, he said that May was hot. "Cómo está tu hija eh?" Peter replied, sticking his tongue out. Again, for those of you don't know Spanish, he asked how Delmar's daughter was. I smacked Peter on the arm.

"Ten dollars." Delmar rolled his eyes. "It's five dollars." Peter told him. "For that comment, 10 dollars." Delmar scolded.
"I gotta say, I think that's fair." I chimed in. "Exactly." Delmar smiled. "Thanks, Zan." Peter glared. "Hey, come on. I'm joking. I'm joking." Peter repeated. Peter got his wallet out and handed him $5. "Here's $5." He smiled.

He went over and stroked this gorgeous, fluffy, tabby cat. I'd love a cat but my dad never let me have one. "Hey, Murph. How you doing buddy." Peter smiled, stroking him. I went over and got completely distracted."Hey, baby. Oh god, you're just beautiful." I smiled. "Come on Zan." Peter called.
"nice to meet you, Mr delmar," i waved as i walked out with Peter.

Peter took me to this weird place with load of garbage cans. He began to chuck his shoes everywhere and then undid his backpack. I was confused and started saying "Peter what are you doing-"He started to take his shirt off. Pretty ripped for a nerd, I gotta say. "Why are you undressing right now?" I yelled. "Just wait." Peter scolded. "Nope." I turned away.

"Rose, turn around." Peter repeated. "What?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Just turn around, come on." He groaned. "Ugh, fine." I rolled my eyes, turning to face him.
He was in his Spider-Man suit. "Ayy! You look great!" I cheered.

"You think?" He asked. "Anyways, I gotta go, Parker. Make Hogan proud." I smiled. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow." He returned the smile. He jumped to the top of the building and I smiled and left.

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