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I got into school, the news TV school thing was on.

"This past weekend, midtown's academic decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship." Jason said, he spoke about Washington and I just didn't wanna think about it so I put my headphones in.

That song came on.
Steve's song.
It's been a long, long time.
You know?

I started to feel a tear strewn down my face. Come on, not now, not now, please not now. I wiped it off my face and skipped the song. I ran into Peter. He started to walk with me. "Hey, you ok, Zan?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah." I shrugged.

We saw Ned, he came over. "Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude." Ned whispered. "What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?" Ned asked. "Crazy dude." Peter smiled. "Should we tell everyone?" Ned asked. "I can answer that one. No. No no no no." I shook my head.

"Why'd you never wanna do any of the cool superhero stuff?" Ned asked. "Parker, back me up right now." I said.
"She's right, dude. That's not a good idea." Peter agreed.
"Okay, come on, we'll be late to class." Ned told us. "We're not going to class." Peter shrugged, looking at me.

"What do you mean, we?" I asked. "Me and you are not going to class." Peter responded. "I'm sorry, since when do you speak for me? This is gonna end in tears, I'm telling you." I scolded. "Listen, guys. I figured it out. The wing suit guy is stealing from Damage Control. What he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all we gotta do is catch him." Peter explained.

"Again with the 'we' what do you mean we?" I asked again.
"Come on, I can't do it without you." Peter smiled. "That's sweet, but no. You're not doing this. I'm not doing this. No ones doing this, you're gonna die." I told him. I left and went to class, a few hours later I got a text from Peter.

"Come, on. I'm catching this guy and I know you want to aswell." The text said. I didn't reply but I left anyways, I was worried. I called him and he told me to go to his apartment. I arrived."Parker?" I called, he didn't answer. He came and opened the door.

"Hey Zanny, thanks for coming." He smirked. "You're on thin ice, Parker." I said. We went to his room and he put his mask on and introduced Karen (the suit lady) to me. She knew me anyway because of my dad creating her n stuff.
He made it into a hologram so we could both see.

"So, how was your Spanish quiz Peter?" Karen asked. "I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to figure out who the guys under the bridge were that night, the guys me and Rose saw." Peter said. "I can run facial recognition." Karen told him. "How?" I asked.

"Yes, I record everything he sees." Karen explained. "All the time?" I asked. "All the time. It's called the baby-monitor protocol." Karen  told us. "Ha! You lose Parker." I yelled.  "Of course it's called that." Peter sighed. "When do you want me to show you?" Karen asked.

"Um, yeah, just roll it back to last Friday." Peter asked. "With pleasure." Karen agreed. Karen showed a video of Peter saying stuff in the mirror in his mask. "Hey everyone. Yeah, kick-ass party. Hey, what's up Liz? Peter's told me a lot about you." Peter winked. 

I raised my eyebrows, put a hand on his shoulder and said "wow, this is your game plan with Allan?""Who's Allan?" Karen asked. "Liz Allan, have you not heard about Liz, yet?" I asked Karen. "Liz! Liz is sweet!" Karen said.
"Isn't she?" I said. "All right, all right. Let's just go later in the day please." Peter said.

Karen showed another video of Peter talking to himself in the mirror with his mask on. "It is I, Thor, son of Odin!" Peter yelled. "Oh my god, you're telling me that's not Thor?!" I yelled. "Shut up." He glared. "Your impressions are very funny." Karen chuckled.

"And insanely accurate, I really did think that was Thor, I really really did." I nodded. "Fast-forward to the arms deal." Peter told karen. "Karen, you mind telling me who the two on the right are?" I asked, I didn't wanna be impolite, especially if my dad created her. "Of course." Karen responded. "Thank you." I smiled. "Why are you being such a suck-up?" Peter asked. "She's funnier than you." I shrugged.

"There's no records found for two of the individuals." Karen told us. "Nothing?" Peter asked. "One individual identified. Aaron Davis, age 33. He has a criminal record and an address here in Queens." Karen explained. "Let's pay him a visit." Peter nodded. "Yeah, yeah." I agreed.

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