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We both flew onto the side of the ferry, I sat on Peter's back because I couldn't climb up it like a spider, like he could. We found the guys.

"Shit, May's calling me." Peter said.

"Pick up, don't be rude, she's worried." I told him.

"No, I'll call her back." Peter said.

Peter set a drone on the old dude. We climbed to the top deck.

"That guys murdered someone." Peter said, pointing to the guy on the left.

"White pick up truck." We heard one of the guys say.

Peter set off the drone to find the white pick up truck and the drone found it with some dude with long hair sat inside it.

"This is too perfect, Rose. I got the weapons, buyers and sellers in one place." Peter said.

Peter gasped.

"Your dads calling me!" Peter told me.

"You better answer that right now." I warned him, he put it on speaker and I stayed silent.

"Mr Parker. You got a sec?" My dad said.

"Uh, I'm actually at school." Peter said.

"Nic work in D.C." My dad said.

"Okay." Peter replied.

"My dad never really gave me a lot of support." My dad said.

That was sweet, he was comparing that to Peter being like a son to him. What wasn't sweet was that the fact that he was completely ignoring my dad.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something." Peter said.

"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you." My dad told him.

He ended up ending the call and me and Peter tried our best to take the guys down. Peter took the keys and I flew down and kicked the guy with the hat in the face.

Suddenly the FBI turned up.

"The FBI is here? Are they here for us?" I asked.

"Rose, calm down." He pleaded "I need you to focus right now."

The guy with the wings came up, he started shooting at us and I started panicking. I started to get really shaken up and Peter was trying to fight off all these guys, I threw two guys into the ocean off of the ship but with that and struggling to breathe, I got tired, I felt myself getting faint but I wasn't gonna let myself pass out again. One of the FBI guys grabbed me and took me inside, he begged me to stay awake for both Peter and my dad's sake.

Suddenly the ferry split in half, I began to try and get the ship back together with iron but it would take a while considering I wasn't on the top deck. The ship started to fall apart and I was positive that we were gonna die. We started to sink. Peter was trying his hardest and then fell back onto the ground, I ran towards him and gave him a hug, we were confused but glad that the ship was coming back together.

"Hi Spider-Man, oh and the famous Phoenix is here too. Band practice was it?" My dad said.

Shit. We weren't gonna be able to hear the end of this.

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