13-Glowy thing

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The next day we had technology and me, Ned and Peter spent the whole lesson trying to work this pink glowey thing is. Peter just started hitting it with a hammer. "Hey, thanks for bailing on me." Ned rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well something came up." Peter shrugged. "In all fairness Ned, I think it would've been a bad idea to go through with that whole Spider-Man thing." I explained.

"You mean Spider-Man and The Phoenix?" Ned asked. "You know about that?"i asked. "Of course, and by the way. I think it's a really cool superhero name." Ned smiled. "Well they all know me as Tony Stark's daughter and that's it and I'm fine with that." I sighed. "I know, Zan. I'm not gonna tell anyone. Don't you worry." Ned winked.

"What is that?" Ned asked, pointing at the glowing thing. "Some guys tried to vaporise us with it." I told him. "We have no idea what it is." Peter shook his head. "That's so awesome, though." Ned smiled. "Tell me you're joking." I asked. "I mean, it's not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy. So scary." Ned stuttered. "Yeah." I nodded.

"Well, look I think it's a power source." Peter told us. "Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors. That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush." Ned rambled. "Whoever's making these weapons is obviously combining alien tech with ours." Peter whispered.

"That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said." Ned smiled. "Dude, maybe cool it with the 'coolness' of this all ok? This shit is dangerous, you don't wanna get too excited and do something stupid." I told him. Ned started making this weird ass speech "I know I know, it's new though. I just wanna say thank you, for letting me be a part of this journey into this amazing—"Peter cut him off by hitting the glowey thing really hard with the hammer. It made a really loud noise. We looked over to Mr Hapgood, he didn't look back, he just stayed reading his book.

"Keep your fingers clear of the blades." Mr Hapgood yelled.
We looked back at the glowey thing. "I gotta figure out what this is and who makes it." Peter whispered. "No, you don't. You're gonna get yourself killed and I don't want my dad getting mad at you again." I scolded. "Come on, Zanna. Since when do you care about what you're dad thinks?" Peter asked.

"You know what, Parker?" I raised an eyebrow. He smiled.
"Come on, Rose. Lighten up. We can all go to the lab after class and run some tests." Ned pleaded. "Whatever ." I groaned. "Let's do it." Peter nodded. Ned and Peter did their little handshake and I rolled my eyes.

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