37-Aftermath Pt.2

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"Hey." I said.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

I burst into tears.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"This isn't your fault." I said.

"I think you know that it is." He said, as he held my hand.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"I beat him, he's gone."

"Gone where? He's dead? What about Liz—" I started ranting

"—hey, Rose. He's gone to jail, he's still alive. I made sure he survived, I promise." He told me.

"So how's Liz then?" I asked

"She's moved up to Oregon, her dad didn't want her down here for his hearing." He said.

"Shit. Did you talk to her?" I asked.

''Yeah, she was crying. It's out of my hands and we did the right thing." He told me.

"I know." I said, smiling at him, I squeezed his hand.

I saw he had a box of stuff, on the floor next to him.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I brought some stuff from my apartment, for you." He said.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yeah, I knew you'd be feeling kinda shitty about everything, so I wrote some 'motivational' quotes in a few pieces of paper for you and I put some pictures of us in there as-well." He told me.

"Parker, that's sweet." I said, that cheered me up.

There were a few poems but one of the quotes really stuck out for me, it said 'those who are happy are not without pain, they just know how not to be controlled by it.'

I pointed it out to him, "how come you picked this one out?" I asked.

"I thought this was quite relatable to you, you used to be so stressed and hurt by everything but you really proved how strong you were by facing it heads on." He said.

"You're growing on me, Parker." I said.

He smiled.

We stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Anyways, um, Ben, Ben called a couple times." Peter said.

"He did? Did you pick up?" I asked.

"No, your dad did though, he told him you'd talk to him when you woke up." He told me.

That was nice of Ben for him to check up.

"Oh." I said, I felt myself blushing.

Ew. Not again.

Peter looked at the floor.

"Come on, Parker. Wanna go for a walk?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll wait downstairs." He said.

"Yeah, yeah."

We went on our walk and talked about a few things, he informed me that my dad gave him his suit back, that was relieving.

Suddenly the noise in my ear got a lot louder, I fell to the ground.

I screamed, suddenly I saw Bucky and Steve. It was like they were going towards me, I saw the day of their fight between him and my dad flashing before my eyes. I broke down.

"Help me!" I screamed.

"Rose?! What's wrong?!" Peter asked.

"I'm going insane. I can't deal with this right now. I see Bucky everywhere. I constantly see Steve beat the shit out of my dad. I always see that shit inside my brain. I'm trapped inside this constant cycle." I screamed.

"It's fine, Zan. You're safe now." He said as he held my head to his chest.

"I have this noise in my head." I cried, running my hands through my hair.

"It'll stop. One day it'll go quiet." He said.

"What's wrong with me?!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I've failed." He said.

"No, Peter." I said.

We stayed sat on the floor for hours.

I knew everything was about to fall apart again.

It felt the same as before.  

It was good to have a friend who was there for me though.

Those who are happy are not without pain. They just know how to not be controlled by it. Thank you for that, Parker.

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