10-Party Trick.

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Hey. Come to the roof.

Right now?

Yeah. Come on.

What u want

Just come on, Zan.

You better not be trynna get with me Parker.

Shut up.

I'm coming

He was in his suit and a crappy white shirt, he took it off so he was just in his suit. "Oh, my, god. No, you're not doing this, stop." I warned him. "Come on, it might be really good." Peter smiled. "No you're not about to do this." I told him. "Please!" He begged. "Give me one good reason why I should agree with what you're about l to do." I asked. "You could come too, you can put your suit on, join me." He winked.

"You're insane—" I shook my head, beginning to walk off but he grabbed my arm. "Hey, hey, hey. Listen to this how about Spider-Man and Phoenix show up at a party?" He smiled

I smiled at him because I found it funny, and it had a good ring to it, but no, this was a bad idea. "Phoenix?" I asked.
"Yup." He nodded. "Is that supposed to be my superhero name?" I asked. "Yeah, you don't have one yet. So I thought about one for you ages ago." He shrugged.

I smiled, that was sweet. "Why Phoenix?" I asked. "One, you can fly." Peter listed. "Is that it? Wow, Parker, way to be enthusiastic about it." I rolled my eyes. "I said 'one' because there's more than one point, if you didn't talk so much you'd have heard my other reasons." He glared.

"Go on then," i chuckled. "Nope, you ruined it." He shook his head. "Give it a rest." I rolled my eyes. "Fine. It's from a poem my parents used to read me." He told me. "Oh....You don't have to tell me, Peter. It's ok." I stuttered. "Ew, Peter? Zan, why are you 'peter'ing me for?!" He asked.

"Sorry. But seriously." I looked at him with sad eyes. "No. I want to." He told me."You know a Phoenix will go through the toughest of times, burn to ashes but then resurrect?" He asked. "Yeah?" I asked, I was confused. "You've been through a lot. I know that stuff with mr rogers took a big hit on you." He sighed.

I frowned and looked to the floor. "Well, you got through that stuff and dealt with it really well, you came back stronger." He smiled. I looked back up at him and smiled.
"I think the poem said 'you, like a phoenix know how to rise resurrect.' That's why." He nodded. "Parker! That's beautiful, thanks." I smiled.

I gave his hand a tight squeeze. "I still don't think it's a good idea, you know." I told him. "Right, ok. How's this?" He started. "Go on." I told him. "Hey, what's up? I'm Spider-Man. Just thought I'd swing by and say hello to my buddy Peter. Oh what's up, Ned? Hey where's Peter, anyways? He must be around..." he started talking in a deeper voice.

"What's with the deep voice?" I asked. "They can't know it's me." He responded. "Ugh, you're right this is stupid. What am I doing?" He groaned. I began to say "Come on, Peter. Maybe we should just go back inside-"We looked up and through the trees, saw an explosion.

"Shit." I whispered. "What the hell? Come on." Peter whispered. "What? Are you serious?" I asked. "Come on, Rose. I know you've brought your suit, do you think I don't know you? I know you're nervous and paranoid." He raised an eyebrow.

"Hey! Are you trying to convince me or not?" I asked. "Please, it's important!" He begged. "Fine." I agreed. I quickly started to get dressed. "Turn around then." I told him. "Oh. Yeah, yeah." He stuttered. I got dressed into my suit, he grabbed my waist and we began to swing through the air. "You know, I can fly right? You don't need to do this." I yelled.

"It's more funny like this, though." He responded. We found ourselves on a golf course and he started running, I just flew, running seemed like effort and I didn't want the sprinklers to go off on me. "This sucks." He groaned. "Your idea, Parker." I yelled down.

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