18-The tracker vol.2

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We went to Ned and Peter's room. Peter needed a laptop to try get rid of the tracker from his suit. "Peter, why are we removing the tracker from your suit?" Ned asked. "Uh, because I gotta follow these guys to their boss before they move again and I don't really want Mr Stark to know about it." Peter explained.

"So you've decided to ask his daughter to help you?" I asked. "Come on, Rosanna. I don't like that they all patronise me." Peter sighed. "So you're lying to my dad?" I asked again. "I'm not lying, he just doesn't really get what I can do yet." Peter shrugged.

"I'm telling you, this isn't gonna end well, Parker." I nodded my head. "You'll never let me know differently, will you Rose." Peter smirked.

He got the tracker out of the suit and put it onto the lamp. "There's a ton of other subsystems in here." Ned told us. "Hm?" Peter hummed. "Like what?" I asked. "That's the thing, I don't know. They're all disabled by the training wheels protocol." Ned smiled. Me and Ned both laughed.

" What? Training wheels protocol?" Peter asked. Me and Ned laughed again. "Turn it off." Peter rolled his eyes.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Ned shook his head.

"Yeah, it's really not a good idea." I sided, agreeing with Ned."Why?" Peter asked. "Are you dumb, Parker? Do you not understand that these would be blocked for a reason?" I asked. "But Rose!" Peter protested. "No, don't start this." I warned him. "You really sound like your dad right now." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Stop that." I scolded. "I don't need training wheels! I'm sick of them treating me like a kid all the time!" Peter complained. "Peter, you're 15, you are a kid." I told him. "Yeah, a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands."  Peter groaned. "She's right, Peter. I don't see this ending well." Ned agreed.

"Exactly, this shit is probably illegal. You're hacking." I told him. "Please." Peter begged. "Ughhhh." I groaned. "This is my chance to prove myself. I can handle it. Guys, come on." Peter pleaded. "It's a bad idea, Parker." I shook my head.

"Ned, you can be the guy in the chair, Rose and me pretty much already do our superhero stuff together anyway." Peter shrugged. "Don't do that Parker. Ned, don't let him manipulate you, I swear, Leeds." I warned. "You can't do that." Ned shook his head. "Come on." Peter said. Ned did it anyway.

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