7-You're the spider-man?

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*peter's POV*

I opened the window and saw May and made sure I was really quiet. I climbed onto the ceiling and shut my bedroom door as quite as possible, I jumped down and took my mask off. I turned around to find Ned sat on the bottom bunk of my bed, he smashed the Lego Death Star in shock.
"What was that?" May yelled. "Uh, it's nothing. Nothing." I yelled back. "You're the Spider-Man. From YouTube." Ned whispered.

"I'm not. I'm not." I took my suit off. "You were in the ceiling." Ned asked. "No I wasn't. Ned, what are you doing in my room?!" I asked. "May let me in. We were gonna finish the Death Star." Ned responded. "You can't just bust into my room!" I scolded.

May opened the door. "That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster. Let's go to dinner. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?" May asked. "Yes." Ned responded. "No. He's got a thing." I told her. "A thing to do after." He stammered. "Okay. Maybe put on some clothes." May chuckled, closing the door.

"Oh, she doesn't know?" Ned asked. "No, nobody knows. Accept for Zan, but she's not even supposed to know and Mr. Stark knows because he made my suit. That's it." I told him.  "Tony Stark made you that?! Are you an Avenger?!" Ned asked.

"Yeah, basically." I shrugged. "Oh, geez." Ned smiled"You can't tell anybody about this. You gotta keep it a secret." I told him. "Secret? Why?" Ned asked. "You know what she's like. If she finds out people try and kill me every night, she's not gonna let me do this anymore. Come on, Ned, please." I begged.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll level with you. I can't keep this a secret. This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me." He freaked out. "May cannot know. I cannot do that to her right now. You know? I mean, everything that's happened with her, I— please." I begged again. "Okay." He agreed.

"Just swear it, okay?" I asked."I swear." Ned nodded. "Thank you." I told him. "Yeah." Ned sighed. "I can't believe this is happening right now." I ran my hands through my hair, in stress. "Can I try the suit on?" Ned asked. "No." I responded.
He started to ask so many questions and I was getting frustrated so he left.

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