6-The Bank.

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*peter's POV*

I got up to a lot I guess. Helped an old lady, she was lost. Stopped this guy from stealing a bike. I called Happy, he didn't pick up, obviously but left a voicemail. Then I saw something going on at 'queen's community bank.' I was confused but I knew it was a robbery so I was glad I could finally help with something important."Finally something good." I sighed.

I saw some guys with masks robbing the ATM's with some weird blow torch kinda thing. I got in quietly and tried to make it seem like I wasn't nervous and leaned against a wall. "Sup guys? You forget your PIN number?" I asked.
I saw the all had avengers masks on. "Whoa! You're the avengers!" I yelled

The guy in an ironman mask cocked his gun. "WhT are you guys doing here?" I asked as I shot a web at the gun and punched them all round the face one by one. "Thor. Hulk. Good to finally meet you guys. I thought you'd be more handsome in person." I smirked.

The guy in the ironman tried to punch me multiple times but I dodged them all. "Ironman! Hey what are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire." I yelled. The guy blasted a gravity gun typa thing at me and I started floating, he threw me up and down for a while. It felt super weird.

I managed to get myself out of it and got ahold of the ATM that'd been ripped off the wall. The money was flying about the bank. A guy shot some sort of thing at me but I dodged it, it created a huge explosion, setting Mr Delmar's place on fire. I jumped over into Delmar's. "Hey, Mr. Delmar, you in here? Is anybody in here? Hello?" I yelled.

I found Mr Delmar and Murph and took them both outside. Poor guy, he was choking. I didn't even catch the 'avenger' guys.

*Rosanna's POV*

I went downstairs and saw the Robots putting all the China shit away, vases, plates, etc. "Yes— no. Put that down that's worth more than you, me and Rose put together." Happy told the robot. I rolled my eyes as He got a call. "Yeah?" He asked the person on the phone. I told him to put it on speaker phone. "Happy, the craziest thing just happened to me. These guys were robbing an ATM with these high-tech weapons." It was Peter.

He just needed to wait for them to call him but he wouldn't leave anyone alone. "Don't hang up!" I whispered to Happy.
He whispered "follow me, Zan." I don't know why, I guess he wanted me to hear the conversation. "Take a breath. I don't have time for ATM robberies or the thoughtful notes you leave behind. I have moving day to worry about. Everything's gotta be out by next week." Happy told him.

"Wait, wait. You're moving? Who's moving?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, don't you watch the news? Tony sold Avengers Tower. We're relocating to a new facility upstate where hopefully the cell service is much worse." Happy told him.
"Happy, that's uncalled for." I whispered. "But what about Rose?" Peter asked.

"She's staying at your science school, don't worry, Parker." Happy assured him. "What about me?" Peter asked. "What about you?" Happy asked. "Well, what if Mr. Stark needs me or something big goes down? Can I please just talk to Mr. Stark?" Peter asked. "You need to be careful, kid. Your dad really doesn't want, Zanna to find out about you being Spider-Man, at all so you can't be all that involved. Stay away from anything too dangerous. I'm responsible for making sure you're responsible, okay?" Happy scolded.

"I am responsible. I— Oh, crap. My backpacks gone." Peter groaned. I rolled my eyes, remembering that he told me it would be fine if he left it there. "That doesn't sound responsible." Happy responded. "I'll call you back." Peter said. "Feel free not to." Happy smirked.

He hung up. "Happy, come on. Be nicer about it, seriously!" I scolded. "It doesn't matter, come on, kid. You need to pack your shit." He told me.

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