34-Driving with Peter

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I quickly got changed, we ran out the fire exit and that was that. Suddenly Peter got zapped by something, it was the bald guy we'd met 678 times before. Damn it.

Peter fell to the floor and I hid so maybe I could get ahold of him when he least expected it.

"He gave you a choice. You chose wrong." The bald guy said.

"What the hell?" Peter said.

I messaged Ned as soon as I could.


You ok?

    Thank god you messaged me Leeds

What's up?

You need to help right now
Come out the fire exit thing



"What's with the crappy costume?" The bald guy said.

Peter had lost his web shooters, he tried to get them but the bald guy punched a bus with that weird arm weapon thing.

I came out of the shadows as he punched Peter again.

I went over behind him and kicked him in the back of his legs, he raised the weapon thing but I punched him round the face and he fell to the ground.

Suddenly, web's stuck to the weapon laser thingy, we looked over and saw Ned holding a web shooter.

"Nice shot!" Peter shouted.

Peter got ahold of his web shooters. I lifted the guy in the air and threw him against the bus telepathically, Peter attached him with the webs. 

"Yes!" Peter yelled.

"Ned, the guy with the wings is Liz's dad!" I yelled.

"What?" Ned asked.

"I know right! I gotta tell Mr. Stark! Call Happy Hogan. He's Mr. Stark's head of security. Get a computer and track my phone for me." He said.

I began to fly.

"Are you guys gonna be okay?" Ned said.

"Hurry, we gotta catch him before he leaves town." Peter yelled.

I flew off, and Peter began to swing aswell.

"We gotta find a car." He said.

"Yeah, yeah." I said.

We jumped onto Flash's car.

"Flash, I need your car and your phone." Peter said, in a forced deep voice.

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