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*rosanna's POV*

Me, Ned and Peter had Physics today. We were doing experiments, Ned wouldn't stop hassling Peter about him being Spider-Man. "Can you spit venom?" Ned asked him.
I chuckled. "No." Peter responded. "Can you summon an army of spiders?" Ned asked. "No, Ned." Peter rolled his eyes.

It went like this all day and Peter was obviously getting frustrated. We had gym today and we had to watch a fitness video by Steve, I really hated doing these and we hadn't done one since before everything happened. I heard Steve voice and started to tap my leg on the floor, everyone stared at me, Peter squeezed my hand and it helped me feel a little better.

"Hi, I'm captain America. Whether you're in the classroom or on the battle field..." Steve started saying. "Do you know him too?" Ned asked Peter. I rolled my eyes and looked at MJ, hoping she wouldn't hear. "Yeah, we met. I stole his shield." Peter smirked. I nudged him, worried that everyone could hear.

"Today, my good friend, your gym teacher, will be conducting the Captain America Fitness Challenge." Steve carried on."Thank you captain, pretty sure this guys a war criminal now but I have to show you these videos." Coach Wilson smiled.

Me and MJ sat with Liz and Betty and a few other girls. They wanted to play F, marry, kill with the avengers. I didn't like that, like that's my family bro. I'm not into that stuff. "Now for me it would be F thor, marry iron man and kill hulk." Betty smiled. "Ew, Betty. Please stop. My dad has a girlfriend and, he's my dad. I don't like you guys drooling over him, we've been over this." I gagged.

"It's all hypothetical." Betty nudged me. "It's gross, is what it is." I rolled my eyes. "Well, what about the Spider-Man?" Seymour asked. I instantly looked at Peter with a smile and he met me with the same look. "It's just Spider-Man." Liz corrected. "Did you guys see that bank security cam on youtube. He fought off four guys." She repeated.

"Oh my god, she's crushing on Spider-Man." Betty smiled. "Did you meet him, Zan?" Seymour asked me. "Oh, me? No. I've heard his a real weirdo though." I shook my head. Peter frowned. "I'm kidding, I bet he's great. Liz, I'm sure you could get him if you tried." I smirked. "You think?" She asked. "Yeah." I looked at the floor.

"He's probably like 30." Betty rolled her eyes. "Betty, you said you'd marry my dad and he's older than 30, I can tell you that for nothing." I told her. "You don't know what he looks like. What if he's like seriously burned?" Seymour asked Liz. "I wouldn't care. I'd still love him for the person he is inside." Liz defended him.

"Peter knows Spider-Man!" Ned yelled. I went speechless.
"No, I don't. No. I — I mean—" Peter stuttered. I put my head in my hands over embarrassment. "They're friends." Ned stammered. "Yeah, like captain America and Coach Wilson are friends." Flash chuckled.

For some reason I laughed. "I've met him, yeah. A couple times." Peter stuttered. i gave him a signal to cut it out and just give up. Liz invited Peter and Ned to her party, me and MJ had already decided that me and her would go together as friends since we were UNBELIEVABLY single at the moment. Flash took the piss out of Peter for a bit but just normal stuff.

The bell rang and me and the girls began to walk away. "Zan, you coming to the decathlon then?" Liz asked. "What?do I have to?" I groaned. "Yes, come on you're so smart, please." She begged. MJ had been bugging me about it for a while. "Fine, fine." I shrugged.

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