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*Rosanna's POV*

I was kinda looking forward to going home to be honest, my dad was picking me up aswell which was good. I stood with Peter because I didn't really feel like talking to anyone else. May and my dad came at the same time. My dad and May came running towards us.

"Rosanna, thank god!" My dad yelled, as he gave me one of the tightest hugs in the world. "All right, dad, ok, I'm currently struggling to breathe because your squeezing me way too hard." I chuckled. "Right, right, right." He nodded, letting go.

"I'll call you tomorrow." My dad told Peter frowned, I told him it would just be about the 'internship' and it would be nothing bad. I got home and everything was getting packed up, STILL. I really just wanted it to be over, I felt empty. I just went up to my room, my bed was the only thing that wasn't packed up, in my room. My dad came up.

"Knock, knock." My dad sighed. "Hello?" I asked. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Of course." I nodded. "So, how you feelin'?" He asked. "I'm great." I told him, with a faint smile on my face. "I heard about what happened with you, I'm so so sorry, Rose. I know this is so hard for you." He told me.

"Honestly, I'm fine. I really really think I'm gonna be fine, it was a little panic attack. I don't think it's as bad as it could be." I shrugged. "Rose, you started hyperventilating and then you passed out!" He yelled. "Please, do not start turning this into an argument." I told him.

"Why the hell do choose to shut everyone out?!" He yelled.
"I'm not shutting anyone out! I told you I'm fine, why can't you understand that?!" I screamed. "Hey, hey, hey. Why are we yelling?" Pepper asked, as she came in. "Everyone's talking to me like I've gone insane because I cried a little!" I groaned.

"We just want to help you, Rosanna." Pepper told me. "I'm sorry, I worried you guys. I really am, but you all need to look at the positives, ok? I survived, it wasn't just me who went through that, it was everyone else, but I got saved. Please can we just forget about this?" I pleaded.

"You know what, Zan? When you start to realise that all anyone wants to do is love and take care of you. Then I'll talk to you." My dad rolled his eyes. Pepper stayed with me in my room for a while to help me feel better and we just talked about other shit.

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