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We found ourselves on the top of a bridge. Another explosion went off, I tried my best not to scream. I was still triggered by that. Peter put an arm around me and nodded at me, I shook my head and a tear streamed down my face as I put a hand over my mouth and started shaking. "now, this is crafted from a reclaimed sub-Ultron arm straight from Sokovia." A man whispered.

"Man, I wanted something low-key. Like, why you trynna upsell me, man?" The other guy stood back. I climbed onto Peter's back, like he told me to because I couldn't climb upside down like a spider. "I got tons of great stuff here alright. One sec." the first guy told him.

There was a bald guy who showed up. "You letting of shots in public now? Hurry up. Look, times are changing. We're the only ones selling these high-tech weapons." The bald guy explained.

"Oh, this must be where the ATM robbers got their stuff." Peter whispered to me. "Yeah, yeah. If you drop me, you're dead." I whispered. "I need something to stick up somebody. I'm not trynna shoot 'em back in time." The dude with the black hair told them. "I got antigrav climbers." The dude with the beard listed. "Yo climbers?" The dude with the black hair asked.

Then Peter's fucking phone went off, his dumbass yodelling ringtone. That meant we had been made known. "Okay, what the hell is that?" The bearded guy asked. "You set us up?" The bald guy asked, cocking his gun and pointing it to dude with the black hair.

"Hey, hey man." The guy with the black hair , put his hands up. I flew off Peter, prepared that we were gonna have to help this guy. Peter jumped down. "Hey, come on. You gotta shoot at somebody, shoot at me." Peter yelled."What are you doing?!" I whispered. "Aight." The bald guy nodded.

The guy pointed the gun and Peter. Peter shot a web at the gun and pulled it towards him. The guy with the beard brought this gun and pointed it at Peter. "Oh no you don't." I grunted, throwing the gun out of his hands but he caught it in midair and hit Peter with it, Peter hit the bottom of the bridge and fell onto his face.

"Parker, for gods sake I almost had him." I groaned. They started to drive off so I flew and sat onto the top of the van, Peter attached himself to the back of the van, by the webs. Peter ended up letting go so I flew off the van and ran towards him. "Come on, you can't give up now, Parker. Let's go." I told him.

I flew and tried my best follow the damn van but also wanted to keep an eye on Parker. I sat on the top of the van once again and Peter got caught by this weird guy with wings. I could only see from the van, Peter's parachute went off. I flew towards him but saw my dad's suit flying aswell. I saw he'd landed in a lake and I hit behind some trees. My dad pulled him out and started flying with Peter in his arms. I followed them as secretive as I could.

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