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*Peter's POV*

So, Ben Davidson asked out Zan to homecoming. Which is great, I'm really happy for her because he's nice, she's never really been interested in dating anyone.

She was right, nothing could go wrong from asking out Liz. I saw her doing stuff for homecoming. I saw her in the hall and went up to her.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." Liz said, with a smile.

"I uh— I thought you had calculus fifth period." I said to her.

"Yeah, I was just doing some homecoming stuff." Liz said.

I walked closer to her.

"Hey look, I— I just wanted to apologise about the whole decathlon thing." I said.

"It's fine. Last week, decathlon was the most important thing, but then I almost died." She said.

"No I just— I'm— I just mean that it was not cool, especially...because...I like you." I stuttered.

"I know." She said.


"You do?" I asked.

"You're terrible at keeping secrets." Liz said.

Really though?

"Yeah, you'd be surprised." I said.

She looked away.

"I got- I gotta get to class, but— erm— I'd say we should hang out but I'm gonna be in detention for...ever, but—um— I guess you already have a date to homecoming." I stuttered.

"Actually, I was so busy planning it, I never really got around to that part, so..." she said.

I could feel my face lighting up, I didn't want to smile and look like a dork.

"Uh, you want to go with me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure." She said.

Oh shit?

"Really? I mean, great. Cool." I stuttered, AGAIN.

"Cool." She said.

I began to walk the other way, which was awkward because I actually had to walk towards her.

"I'm actually going that way." I said.

YES, oh my gosh! Rose and Ned are gonna be so proud of me, they've been getting me to do this for ages. I'm so excited!

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