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It hurt. Everything hurt.

Your head was throbbing and felt like a weight was pulling you down by the neck and your body felt like how one should feel should they run across the grand line. You were also cold, something like a chill ran up your spine even before you got the chance to pry open your eyes. Was hell really this cold? You definitely weren't going to heaven considering you were a criminal but even if hell is just really cold, you were most likely dead.

Very dead.


And now the devil was trying to speak to you. Wonderful.

A groan left your mouth as you lifted your head, shifting your neck around and cracking it before squeezing your eyes tighter and gritting your teeth.


Suddenly you felt something hard connect with your shin, sending your eyes flying open and a pained gasp to leave your mouth. Should being kicked really hurt that much? Or were you getting weak? You doubled over as you lightly panted, eyes glued onto the wooden floor as you tried controlling yourself.

But something was off. As your features moulded into a deep-set frown, you squinted at the floor like it was one-thousand miles away.

Wooden floor? The devil has some weird taste. Not that you were judging or even had the space to, though.

"Took you long enough."

There was a person, one who was now speaking to you. And as far as you were aware, this was no hell. Though, you didn't know that for sure yet. What you did know was that you weren't meant to be here and that your boat was nowhere in sight, something was up. Most definitely.

You snapped your head upwards to see something in the hand of who you could only assume was your captor. Instantly, you recognised the spiralling shell of your very own weapon. No other thing had a decorative surface so beautiful yet so deadly.

Not even knowing who was presenting it to you, you tried to lash forward to get it. It soon began to heavily dawn on you that your arms were literally chained behind you - a metallic clink echoed in your ears,

You snarled like a dog, one which was ready to bite, looking dead at the person who was holding your precious weapon with nothing but a vicious expression.

"Give. me. that. back."

Your warning snap was dampened by the walls, not so much as reaching past them as you pulled senselessly at your confinements. This was clearly a very fun game as the man, who held one of your prized possessions like it was a mere toy, had a massive sneer curled across his face as he threw it up and down in his hand. Nothing annoyed you more.

Your eyes moved up and down with the shell each time it went into the air and back to his hand, widening in

"No can do,"

Maybe there were some people you just didn't need to mess with in this world. And as you looked up into glinting eyes of tangerine, which told you just how much lust for chaos their owner barely quelled, you realised exactly that. You didn't want to be messing with this man - his teeth bared in a taunting grin - hair flaming like hellfire against the darkness.

Oh no, especially not Eustass "Captain" Kid.

"You're going to tell me how this little thing works and where you got it without a single complaint."

"I'm good."

For a second; you were taken aback by your own impulsive words. Those words had wiped the look right off of his face.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now