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A/N: The middle of this chapter is unnecessary, therefore I apologise for my past self's lazy actions LOL

For what felt like the thirtieth time, you were captured. And Normally, one would panic having their hands bound by chains, but you were lucky you didn't care and were too tired to retaliate.

The place you had been taken to was something of an empty hut. The old and decrepit walls crumbled lightly and small rips were present on the shoji sliding doors, which were shut over completely. All you could say was that the atmosphere was completely stifling; that and anything is better than being with Kaido.

Although, there was still life in the room.

You, a small group of people that you had not yet met but recognised, along with Trafalgar Law, were inside of the tiny house. One man had blonde hair and smoked a cigarette, the other man was black-haired with a long nose and the other person was a ginger woman. Your back was against the wall, quite literally, as Law stood by the door with his arms crossed as he stared at you.

"What are you doing in Wano? I take it Eustass-ya must also be here."

"That's none of your damn business, Law."

You were completely exhausted. After having not slept so long and spending your time running around after your new and much more demanding job, just lying incapable against a wall was completely tiring.

Law's eyebrows raised as he gave you what could only be seen as a grimace, looking down his nose at you from above. The man with the long nose you recognised as "God" Usopp, however, seemed to be a little worried upon hearing your quick snap. Although, it was safe to say you weren't making a good impression - by antics and by being in Kid's crew.

"Oh? Seems your attitude has come to match your captain's. What happened to the rational being I met no so long ago?"

A smirk adorned Law's face, his teasing tone making you angrier. Usually, something as small as a tease wouldn't make you so riled, but that along with everything that had happened to you was finally beginning to come crashing down.

'Tell that to me after you go though hell and back, becoming Kaido's favourite toy to mess around with and having the only thing you've come to know torn from your being.'


The tension between both you and Law was alleviated as the voice of the blonde man before you piped up. He had a cigarette between his lips as the smoke curled around his body, his eyes falling onto yours. Seemingly, he was also much more worried about the situation at hand with you captured, but not because of your stature.

"Why in the hell is this lovely lady here?"

Law never moved as he looked down on you, eyeing you like you were some kind of disgusting existence. You were seriously on your last tether, tired and in too much mental pain to going against him. Although, you also knew you couldn't go up against Law anyway, he was much more powerful and battle-ready. With a sigh, you placed your chin on your chest. The man completely ignored the other, only intent on interrogating you.

"Why are you in Wano?"

Why were you in wano?

"Foolish, you are. Yet,"

Forcing your eyes to meet with his, a shiver went soaring down over your back.

"If you are to join my crew, I will put aside your little show."

Suddenly, your eyes widened. You could hear each beat of your heart loud as it echoed in your ears, drowning out the sound of lightning from outside the strange place. Each thumb threatened to speed up, breaking a limit you didn't know was possible.
Join Kaido? But there was no way. However, it really was the only option apart from going against him. Considering how your last attempt went, it would be presumptuous to assume you would survive the next. There was Kid.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now