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Prying your eyes open to the sight of flaming, red locks falling in the face of your Captain - one arm wrapped around your waist - wasn't what you expected to wake up to.

Well, until you remember last night.

Kid's flesh hand was strongly wrapped around your middle, his muscular chest pressed against your now-burning cheeks. His metal one was much further from you, as if he was trying to keep his strength from your delicate form. His chest rose and fell with each breath, a peaceful look on his face as he slept.

It was strange seeing Kid without anger creasing his brow or a sadistic smirk draw across his lips; which weren't painted as of yet. But something compelled you to reach up painfully, still barred by your bandages from the wound, and touch his face.

Your fingers brushed his cheek, the scar rough against your silk touch as his mouth twitched. It must've been painful to get, that scar. No wonder his muscles contracted within his jaw when you ran its length. His eyes were closed, no tangerine sunset seen as of yet. That all changed when you reached to touch his hair that fell onto his forehead, when his hand tightened on your torso and his eyes cracked open. Even just as he woke, there was a smirk on his features.

"Good morning, Angel."

You had been so preoccupied messing with his crimson hair that you jumped slightly at his voice. It was so husky and low. Of course it would be, considering he just woke up. Yet, it still brought a redness to your cheeks and you looked away with a tiny smile.

"Good morning, captain."

A chuckle escaped his lips as he moved onto his back, pulling you onto his chest with a squeak from your lips. Kid noticed this reaction and huffed, moving his hand so he could play with your (h/c) hair. He was so damn gentle that you would think he wasn't a murdering pirate and plundering menace.


One hand of yours lightly and hesitantly traced the strong and muscular abs rippling his front. A hum left his mouth in reply as you smiled a tiny smile.

"What are we?"

There was a pause as you held your breath.

"What do you think, Angel?"

You had to crane your neck to look back at him, the pain slightly pulling in your stitched side. You winced.

"I... don't know."

Those tangerine eyes bored into you.

You couldn't glance away.

"We are whatever you want to be, (y/n)."

That's it, he called you by your name again. It was one of the things that sent a tingle of excitement down your spine, the elated feeling of butterflies crowding your stomach bursting within you.

Whatever you want to be?

The was no doubt in your mind, even when your past self would've called you crazy.

"Well then if it isn't too fast, can I be your lover, Eustass Kid?"

Warmth spread within you at his expression.

"Well you are my Angel and my Angel only, so I guess that works."

With a chuckle, he grinned at your moment of embarrassment mixed with a pout as you buried your face in his side.

"Okay, hothead."

His non-existent brows furrowed.


His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now