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The Victoria Punk was riding high on the bucking waves as the base island came slowly but surely into sight. From where you stood at the bow of the ship by Heat and Wire, you could see the jagged and tall mountains which clung to the backdrop. Something else that caught your eye was the distinguishable outline of what looked to be some kind of castle; nestled within the soft greenery. The weather was good, but the ocean seemed to be in slight turmoil - sloshing the ship about as you approached the land ahead.

"We still have a good twenty minutes to go."

Wire had his hand pressed into his cheek as he leaned up against the railings casually, looking as if he was bored out of his mind. You couldn't blame him, however. Life on the sea with no fights and no islands to stop at was dull. Not to worry, because the next adventure was cracking to the surface.

Giving the man a confused look, you glanced between him and the island - assessing the large land formations with a tilted head.

"But it already looks so massive from here!"

"You won't believe your eyes, then."

Heat wandered to your other side, giving you a tiny smile which was hardly noticeable among his solemn looks. His arms were crossed over, not nearly as bored looking as his counterpart but probably feeling just as bad. Turning back to the view of the sea, a small grin spread on your face as you straightened up from leaning against the railings.

"Seems I won't."

Kid had been pretty moody all morning. You were seen and classed as one of the crew's higher ups, yet weren't nearly as included in the planning and ideas for the trip. There was no telling of what was causing your lover such a foul mood, you could only guess it was something Killer said that he didn't like. There were days were you wondered if Killer was the actual captain and this was all some kind of mind-blowing illusion.

"Has Kid actually left his workshop today?"

"I don't think he's even eaten."

Rolling your eyes, you pivoted on your heels - aiming to walk back across the deck. You managed half a step before your wrist was caught by Wire, a slight look of warning on his face. You shot him a quick look out of annoyance, but dropped it when you saw his expression.

"You might be his woman, but I really wouldn't test him right now."

Inside, you completely agreed with your friend and nakama. Kid was an angry man as it was, and for him to be already invested and caught up in a plan while being angry only caused issues. Another part of you was annoyed at Kid, how could he not take care of himself when he's doing so much? That was maybe just your instincts being his lover.

About the island, Heat was completely correct.

Your jaw practically hit the ground as the huge shadow of the mountains almost completely shrouded the island in darkness. Even as the ship pulled into the harbour the light had begun to fade away. It was so romantic; the view of the land before you. Soft hills rolled over one another as different kinds of wildflower and plants grew in between the saturated grass. The calm friends completely juxtaposed the mountains of which were jagged and tall - definitely a hazard if anyone were to walk them.

There seemed to be no sign of a village, further securing the belief that all of the island belonged to your crew. Only the tall castle which nestled in between the mountains showed to be manmade, the only foreign structure other than the planked docks. In the docks, there was space for a good few ships, although you highly doubted that anyone other than the crew visited - not just anyone wanted to trespass on Kid's land.

Talking of the hothead, you had been waiting to see if he would actually come out of his workshop to join the rest of you who were getting off the ship. You were elated when you watched his figure emerged after Killer's: but your happy features recoiled into ones of caution when you noticed him. The man was definitely not a happy bunny, making his way through the crowd of the crew as he leaped off of the deck onto the solid ground below. Both you and Wire, Heat too watched as the captain of your ship along with the second in command got a head start up towards the castle.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now