32 - End

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The time had come.

After so many weeks and so much despairing, you were finally breaking the chains which had you obeying the emperor. It was then that you decided, you would never let anyone take you away from Kid again. Nothing was going to stop you and nothing was going to get in your way of finding the person you had been looking for.

Your heartbeat became more erratic the closer you came, the more the labour camp came into view. You went from barren lands to manmade buildings, it was always surprising how rapidly Wano could change depending on where you were. The sun in the sky seemed to just beat down on you, a painful heat which seared the bruises on your body made you wince - but it was nothing like the pain which you had been going through the past weeks. Crouching closer to the horse's neck, you continued to thunder along the dusty ground as the imposing structure was within reach.

"Sleeping on the job, captain?"

Then, as the eyes of tangerine opened and fell on you, Kid gave you a grin.

"You almost die and still wanna crack jokes, Angel?"

The way you could see his face, albeit scarred and mocking with that grin of a killer and his painted lips in dark ruby, made you warm. Warm, but the tears stung your eyes as your smile tried to force away the sad frown. Kid's eyes went wide at the sight of you bringing up your arm to cover your eyes, his gaze picking up the tears streaming down your cheeks as you lay.

"Goddamn it, captain! I'm so weak!"

He didn't know what to do. The sight of his nakama completely breaking as she was wrapped in bandages of pure white around her waist and her arms. The salty taste which fled into your mouth was enough for you to cringe at your own weakness as you cried. Surely he also thought you were weak, it was Eustass Kid after all.


That was the first time he had ever called you by your real name. Not Angel, just (y/n). The sheer sound of his low and dangerous voice which he called your name in made you pry your arm from your reddened eyes. His features struck you. They were contorted into rage, but he clenched his eyes as well as his fist, as if in conflict with his own mind.

"I'm just glad your okay."

"Captain I-I'm so sorry-"

You pushed yourself painfully so you sat upright. It felt warm. The way your body was engulfed by warmth in that moment was enough to make you cry again, as you did. Strong arms had wrapped around you, relaxing as you sobbed harder.

Eustass "Captain" Kid was hugging you.

Your eyes widened at the sight of the wrought iron door which were bent and broken. There was no way any normal person could do this, and with Queen around? Something was definitely going on. Your horse continued its fast pace - you being too worried to even stop for a moment in case you were send back to Kaido forcibly. The final stretch was in place; the entrance coming clearer and clearer through a dusty cloud. You had to squint to see that there were two figures, just hoping that they weren't Kaido's men.

The both of you stood in silence. Your eyes scanned the dark horizon as the looming and jet-black clouds obscured the moon ever so slightly. Kid was watching your every move, how your fingers drummed against your cheekbone and how your hair fell in your face. To him, you seemed ethereal, even if he wouldn't admit that. He also felt undeserving; undeserving of your truth and trust to tell him of this past as the both of you stood alone in the evening air.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now