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Never in your life had you felt so dragged down by your own existence. Working for Kid when he was your lover and someone you had come to tolerate was one thing, but working for Kaido was a different ball game you were reluctant to play. So it was safe to say that since the day you had woken up to your unsavoury fate, you hadn't felt quite the same.

The slow days aboard the Victoria Punk were a long shot away from where you now stood. Kaido had come to like your company and enjoyed taking advantage of any skill you had, often trusting in your ability; knowing you feared what he could do should you go against him.

He always ordered you back to Onigashima when you had finished your given roles, offering you drinks and asking about your day like a friend that cared. Both you yourself and the majority of people that watched these exchanges were often surprised at how invested in your being Kaido actually was. Although, many suspected that it was probably because you were a sky islander.

You were interesting.

The only good thing which did come of Kaido's little attachment to you was that no one dared to mess with you. "Kaido's Girl" they would call you for the laugh. Except it always ripped your heart out to hear, knowing you were not his but Kid's. Even when the perks included everyone leaving you alone, the thought of being referred to as such was crushing you alive. Even when that meant everyone could tell Kaido was extremely lenient on you to the point he only had one rule.

You must not, under any circumstance, set foot in Udon.


Because Kid was held at the labour camp there.

That aside, you were a few weeks in and had already gotten used to the depressing pace of life you had to endure until someone stepped in and changed the course of the tide. The hot sun beat down upon you and those that existed in the Land of Wano, your head raised high as you avoided every little glance towards you.

Unlike before, you were now wearing what was considered more"traditional": a shorter kimono in a deep purple wrapping your body as your bag hung from your side. That was because Kaido had been pleasant enough to give your weaponry back, mentioning briefly they would be useful for you to stop those who stepped out of line.

Even when your job was to basically look for people intending on going against Kaido and Orochi, no problems had yet reared their heads at you. And talking of the job, you knew for a fact that Hawkins was also in the same position - seeing him on occasion on the street. Albeit it wasn't his fault, you would always feel embittered when around him as if he was the one who caused this pain.

Really, it was partly your doing.

"(Y/n)-san, are you sure you will be okay?"

The men Kaido had you leading stopped short outside of the capital's entrance, your hand waving dismissively as you scoffed through pure spite. It had come to the point where you were constantly angered, the situation changing your person bit by bit; altering your being over time.

"Do you take me for a weak person?"

"N-no, ma'am..."

Stuttering over his words, the man recoiled from you as you began to wander into the main street. The men just watched on in silence, turning back the way they came as not to annoy you further. You were glad that the citizens often took it upon themselves to ignore you and carry on with their day, laughing and chatting like nothing was wrong.

How lucky of them, you thought.

How lucky that they didn't have to see the shit you had seen in your short time on the island...

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now