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The bar was packed.

From townsfolk to Pirates, the place stunk of alcohol and cigar smoke as people laughed and drank with their nakama and friends. Jolly music was being played on an old piano over in the corner and there was a bartender, stocky and gruff-looking, cleaning a glass in his hand.

However, that was soon to be disrupted.

The door slammed open with a massive bang, a few people turned their eyes to see the figure of Kid standing in the door: a large smirk running across his pale and scarred features.

Like he owned the place, he waltzed up through the middle of the tables to the bar - you and Killer in tow. It seemed a lot of people there recognized Kid, although most people would considering his height of fame. Whispers were heard as some looked like they wanted to run from him and other looked like they wanted to have his head.

As the gathering watched him take a seat at the bar, scaring off the few who sat on stools, their eyes travelled to you and Killer. Killer sat at the barstool next to Kid, arms crossed as he faced outwards to the room - unreadable yet anyone could tell he meant business. Lastly, you went to the next stool. Taking a seat, you leaned your elbows against the bar and gave a small smile to the room.

"Hey, old man! Gimme the best rum you have, make it quick!"

Kid's demanding voice along with a fist slamming against the surface of the table alerted the man out of his worried trance. Spinning around to go into the back room, the man went to look for what Kid requested. The bar had swung back into action - it wasn't unusual to come across famous Pirates as they went to a lot of islands, so they ignored you for the most part. When the bartender came back, there was a large barrel of rum in his arms and he turned the tap so it poured into a large tankard which he then slid over to Kid, who of course necked it.

"Want anything?"

The large man turned to you as you looked over your shoulder at him and flashed a close-eyed grin, much to his surprise.

"A pint of beer."

With a nod, he got back to getting your drink. While you waited, your gaze travelled the room as you saw all kinds of people. One pair who caught your eyes were two men who were bragging about their gold and riches to two others, their laughs loud as they also drank. The first man began to talk about his adventure, ending his sentence with how he will be the one to find the One Piece.

Everyone said that. You knew that was also what Kid aimed for, but at least Kid had a chance in this race to the end. Unlike other pirates, Kid had both guts and power - a trait only given to those who deserved it. Your eyes were still on the men when you heard a enraged hum from Kid. Glancing over at him, you watched him slide his mug away: pushing his stool around and hopping off. Killer was just as silent and passive as you were as you both watched your captain advance towards the bragging men. His furs covered his back, but you could feel the tension from there as he walked over to the two with a chilling laugh.

"One Piece, you say?"

Just in time for the entertainment, the bartender gave you the pint glass full of honey-coloured beer. Not even uttering a thanks as you were so engrossed in the way Kid made the men think twice about existing even before he did anything. You were so lucky you were on his crew, not an opponent's, this kind of thing made you grateful for that.


Bad move.

The second the stuttered words left the man's mouth, Kid's metal hand connected with the back of his head. The force of the blow as Kid drove his skull right into the table as it cracked painfully, shocked the man's friend enough to get up and edge away. He was out cold, head on the floor as his eyes rolled back. Kid chuckled as if he had just experienced the most exciting thing in his life. You wouldn't lie, the sight of his tight muscles contracting as he towered back to his full height while flexing his fingers was quite the look, impressive. Maybe even attractive if your mind let you get there.

"You want to find the One Piece? A piece of shit like you?"

His voice was bitter as he spat out his words, addressing the room before sauntering back to the bar where you and Killer sat. It seemed like his foul mood was countered by the want for more blood, even after smashing someone's head in. You laughed awkwardly at the mere fact you had only been on the island for a good hour and already Kid was causing enough trouble. At this rate, the Marines would end up coming. Sipping away, you held the glass close to your chest as you got as much relaxation as you could. As of yet, no one had bothered you, so it was indeed a nice day.

This was only the beginning of the trip, though. And while you were on dry land, you began to think it would be a good idea to buy more clothes. Sure, your clothes were nice, but they were no good when it came to fighting. The only reason you had kept them around was the pure fact that you didn't want any men bothering you. Your shirt's buttons were already unbuttoned enough for the item not to seem revealing but still keep you cool, yet the room still felt hot.

"Hey, Captain."

Kid seemed to have calmed down from earlier, laughing loudly as he spoke to Killer who was next to you. The both quietened down (well Kid mostly) at the sound of your call, turning towards you as Kid gave a hum.

"Do you think I, uh,"

Scratching your cheek you looked over to the other side from where they sat with a small chuckle,

"Do you think I can have some money? I can't fight if I use these clothes."

"Angel, do I look like a fucking bank to you?"

He had one eyebrow raised and was sneering at you slightly. Honestly if you weren't crew, he probably would've ripped out your guts. This actually annoyed you as you turned to him with a sigh and placed both hands on your hips.

"If I remember right, I don't think that I was the cause of my boat getting destroyed."

Killer shook his head lightly, leaning back so he could drown out the argument waiting to happen. Kid gave you a glare which meant death, but you still stood strong - arms crossed stubbornly. Then, he raised a non-existent eyebrow.

"If it's clothes ya want, why don't you just steal them?"


The look on your face showed him you were not that kind of person, even if you now belonged to their rough crew. Sure, you used to steal food from other Pirates and Marine bases, but they weren't civilian shops. Kid was internally contemplating just flipping you off and ordering you to clean the deck for a week for speaking out, but then he would be wrong.

Considering he was the cause of your misfortune-turned luck.

With an almighty huff, he dug about in his pockets for a few seconds: producing a small, brown pouch and chucking it over to you which you caught with a smile. You pushed yourself from the seat, throwing and catching the jingling coins in your hand as you looked back to your grumbling Captain with a smile.

"Thanks, captain!"

And with that, you left the bar.



His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now