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The morning went by pretty slowly. After the new wanted posters came in, the crew then went back to their usual of either trying to relax or doing work. Killer mentioned to you another island was incoming, it was about time as you had already spent so long on the ship. Kid said he had things to do, so you were hanging around with Heat and Wire on the deck.

"So how's that wound of yours?"

Wire was leaning up against the railings, Heat stood by you with his eyes on your gashed side as you sat on a crate cross-legged.

"It's actually getting better quickly."

You shrugged before looking down into your hands, which wore the gloves Kid had so kindly given you. They fit perfectly - they were really well made and you loved them.

A smile spread on your lips as you determinedly clenched your fist.

'I need to become stronger.'

"Killer-san said the next island is a summer island."

At the blue haired man's information, you turned to look at him with a smile, nodding happily.

"Yeah, I hoped to wear something different,"

Pulling at the collar of your shirt, you sighed from the heat that was slowly creeping over the atmosphere.

"It's been a pretty hot day."

Wire nodded in agreement, closing his eyes as he pushed from the railings. You gave his back a confused look, tilting your head slightly. He was being a lot quieter than usual, and that said something.

"(Y/n), you know how much of a big deal it is for Captain to be in a relationship, right?"

You didn't expect that to come out. You face flushed red and you turned to look out to the sparkling sea, feeling a nervous hum in your stomach.


Wire chuckled, giving you a small look over his shoulder before waving lazily. He looked as if he was done with the sudden conversation change, shrugging it off almost as quickly as it had appeared.

"You better get ready, it's a good half hour until the stop."

And that's just what you did.

After a rapid dash back to your own room, you pulled on things that were more appropriate for this hot weather. Even if it was boiling when you were on the ship, it would be even worse when you would get to the island. As much as you looked forward to the stop, you couldn't really risk passing out.

For the time you had spent on board of the Victoria Punk, you had been wearing things that were long and covered a lot of your being. But since the sun was blazing, the men had the (to them, delightful) view of you wearing a lot less than usual in the form of shorts an a t-shirt. Some of the more brave men checked you out, others reminding them that you were now the captain's woman and how that wouldn't go down well should he find out.

Not like you took much notice, though.

"Hey, Killer."

You wandered over to him, the man stood with a map in his hand as he looked out towards the incoming island.

"Hey, (y/n). You ready?"

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now