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Even when Killer thought it was a good idea to make an alliance for something as risky as Kid was gunning for, you couldn't help but agree with your hotheaded lover on this one. At first, you had believed that it was the way to go - making an alliance. However, now that the time came where four Supernova were gathered all in one place in the same room as you, your thoughts on this plan were beginning to shift solo.

"It's the one and only Eustass "Captain" Kid!"

Apoo hadn't even sat down at the table and was already making annoying remarks that made the likes of both you and Kid feel a little ruffled, the latter trying his hardest not to go completely ham with insults. The loud man you could only describe as insufferable and poorly-spoken was probably the most irritating being you had ever met. Seriously, did the guy not know how to shut up?

Now Hawkins, he was your kind of guy. Quiet and observant - it cut the bullshit right out and made the whole process a lot quicker. It would appear he was the most professional of the men gathered in the room, but even he was still idly gazing at his tarot cards while Kid was restraining himself quite well from killing Apoo. And on that note, the loud man turned to you; looking you up and down like you were someone who wasn't meant to be there.

"Who might this lovely lady be?"

Grimacing at his choice of wording, you watched Kid from the corner of your eye as he hummed rather angrily. His head shot around at the man and one of his fists collided with the table. The things like glasses and tankards on the table shifted with the force of the hit as Apoo looked on in complete confusion.

"You come to our fucking base island, and already have the damn audacity to try and hit up my girlfriend? you sick fuck. Do you want your life or are you really that partial to pushing boundaries?"

The growl which rumbled from Kid's throat as he clenched his jaw echoed in the room, his seething words just making it past his teeth. In complete surprise and mock defense, Apoo raised both hands into the air in surrender.

"Kid, calm down."

Kid shot a deadly glare to Killer, the blonde not so much as even registering the look. He was far too busy making sure that this alliance would work and not fall through, more so than keeping Kid in check. However from next to the door and behind Kid's chair, you began to blush. The crawl of red settled on your cheeks as you smiled lightly.

'Yeah, I am his girlfriend, aren't I?'

You had only been with Kid and the crew for so long, but everything had changed so quickly in your life. There was nobody in your past which held as much importance as the people you had met on this adventure. Time flies, and you were realising that for yourself.

"Strong? Give me a break!"

The expression wiped off of your face as you heard chuckling once more, eyes narrowing as beads of sweat darted down your forehead out of pure stress. That's when you saw his face.

The first man was completely covered face wise; he had a blue and white striped mask where his long, golden hair fell down from behind it. He was unbelievably built and was crossing his arms over authoritatively. But the second one was way more expressive than his buddy.

His red-painted lips were curved up into a blood-thirsty smirk as his hands were thrown out to the side: his fingers cracking as if he was itching to kill someone. One of his hands was flesh, pale like the rest of his skin with painted nails and the other was bulky and robotic - wires connecting into his flesh where it began. He wore large furs and his chest was exposed so you could see a few large scars which matched with the few on the side of his face. Of course, the most noticeable thing was his flaming hair held by a pair of goggles. You felt as if his crazed eyes in the colour of tangerine were searching you like you were some kind of small animal and he was your predator.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now