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You couldn't hide the smile on your face. Before, you never wanted to go down this rabbit hole. But now, you were taking a willing leap down it. Kid was faced away from you, unbuckling his trousers and letting them along with his boxers fall right to the floor.


Kid turned around. Of course, you gaze fell down his scarred chest to where his v-line cut sharp lines down from his hips. Through the fogged room, you couldn't see much more; but you knew you would be very soon as he approached you. The blush on your face saturated further, especially as Kid walked so close to you you could feel his breath through the shower.

"Let's see what's hotter, the shower,"

His metal hand made its way back around your waist as his lips were by your ear so you could hear his whispers. His small hum and throaty chuckle made you feel in a dream like state, his metallic fingers moving up and down your spine as you had to slightly lean on the wall.

"Or you when I have you screaming my name."

A small mewl left your mouth from the feeling of Kid's lips on your neck. You could feel small bites and kisses that were certainly going to leave deep marks. Your hands came around his neck, your head tilting back against the wall to let him trail his kisses up to your jawline.

You tried to moan softly, but he caught you in a kiss and the sound muffled as he smirked into the action. Where you could, your hands would move from his neck to trace his muscular chest under your feathery touch; electing chuckles each time you would run your hands over his skin. Kid wasted no time in biting your lips, causing you to gasp so he could move his tongue into your mouth. His wet muscle explored ever single inch of your cavern, making sure nothing was left untouched.

The water poured down on the both of you, Kid's fiery hair now soaked with water and falling in his face. You had never seen it fully down without it's usual height, but it was pretty against his pale skin as it brushed against his scars. You could feel wetness dripping from your core, from both the feeling of his fingers playing with your nipples as he still made out with you and from how you could feel his hard member against your body. It was enough to make you explode from blushing, especially as Kid pulled from the kiss to observe your features.

Always, you thought he was handsome and hot. But in the moment as his eyes scanned the dark marks he made on your skin, red hair dripping with water, he seemed to be especially attractive.

"If you keep looking at me like that, Angel, I really won't be able to control myself."

Kid licked his lips, watching your slightly-parted lips curl into a smile as your chest rose and fell from the loss of breath during his intense make out.

"I don't remember saying you have to control yourself."

You could physically see the man's eyes glint with lust, much like your own were. His hands both moved to hips, making sure not to snag your cut and he leaned in.

"Get jumping."

A heat rose in your stomach as you did as you were told, jumping so your legs wrapped around his hips. If you weren't so already out of breath from feeling hot, the way Kid knocked your back flush with the wall would've taken the breath from you. You could already feel his hard dick pressing under you, his lips on yours again as you slid your hands around his neck.

"You're such a pretty little Angel, (y/n),"

Each touch of his hands holding your hips and sliding down you your ass, touching every inch of you he could as you moaned his name.

"So good,"

The smirk on his face as he trailed kisses down your neck, all the way down to your collarbone where he marked you further with bites. Each time he would come back to face you, to look into your eyes, you would feel him running his hands along the underside of your thigh.

"And all mine."

He pushed your back further up against the wall as you felt him enter you with a sharp snap of his hips: a shuddering gasp leaving your mouth as your hands moved from touching his chest to hold him around his neck as the water fell on the both of you.

Kid wasted no time.

Each thrust of his hip as he moved in and out of you seemed to get faster with every snap. Your head was thrown back against the wall as Kid's was buried in the crook of your neck. A few seconds in and he was pounding into you, your body jolting violently as you moaned his name louder and louder each time he went balls deep into your womb.


He bit against your skin as he growled lowly. Your hands slid down his shoulders and dug into both his muscular and metallic arms as he fucked you. You began to feel drool come out of the corner of your mouth as you completely melted into the pleasure, the water pouring on the both of you.

He smirked proudly as his inhuman pace made you feel like it was only you two in the world as you screamed his name, carving lines into his flesh arm with your nails. He felt you grow tighter around his cock as you began to feel your peak, him groaning in pleasure.

Finally: he released. His hot cum shot deep into you as your juices flowed over his pulsing dick. You were both panting heavily as he had placed his forehead against yours to catch his breath. The shower was still running so some sound would've been muffled. But considering how Killer's room was right next door, he probably heard you screaming Kid's name like your life depended on it.

"I love hearing my name from those lips."

The smirk was still on his face, your chest heaving and his too as you both had your foreheads pressed against each other. Your face was flushed red, having never felt pleasure like that for a long time - if ever. Kid was still inside of you, able to feel your tight walls around his dick as he slowly pulled you off as you rested in his arms.

One of his hands trailed along your back, touching your spine almost lovingly as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Eustass Kid, being overly doting to you.

Only you.

Even when he wrapped you in a hug, you played with the ends of his hair.

"Don't ever leave me, (y/n)."

A smile cracked on your tired features as you giggled lightly.

"Oh, Kid."



His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now