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Even if you took the surprising and risky news well, there was no helping the small twinge of anxiety that settled in your stomach. Everyone knew Kid was reckless, too big for his boots on occasion. Fighting alongside him in the New World was an honour you never expected to experience and also came to realising was an honour in the first place, but it was an experience not as challenging as his proposed idea.

Yonko were in a whole different league. Not just anyone in this living and damned world could touch them, let alone defeat them. Kid's dreams were big, the same size that of other captains of the era. But there was something tugging at you heart which told you this idea was just too presumptuous on your lover's behalf.

"You okay?"

Over the course of being on the Victoria Punk, you quickly learnt that the crow's nest was indeed your favourite place. You would always climb up and sit in it to take naps or just to relax. The crew also learnt quickly that it was turning into your spot, often leaving you alone and to the lookout job.

Arms behind your head, you had just been rudely awoken with a jolt as you heard the hatch at the bottom of the platform flip up - the figure of your close friend coming through.


Heat's long and wavy, blue hair was falling in his face slightly; the wind tossing it about as he crossed his arms over and looked down at you. Everyone knew his perpetually sad look, but he never thought he would see one of the same on his dear friend's features. Heat watched you, your heart sunk lightly inside just like your usually-smiling face.

A soft sigh slipped his lips as he began to sit down opposite you with crossed legs. You glanced at him briefly before moving your eyes off to the side. You had been perfectly fine with the plan when it was said, but the more you dwelled on it, the more anxious you became.

"You haven't come down for dinner, want to go?"

Heat was only trying to be kind, but you shrugged your shoulders before slipping further down the timber-clad half walls. His eyes scanned your face, completely indented with worry as he watched his gleeful nakama be so solemn.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Your silence was enough to tell him. It wasn't like you wanted the man to worry considering you were doing enough of that, it was more you didn't want to burden him. He was already unknowing to what was going to befall him and you didn't want to say anything Kid didn't want you to thus far.

The early evening was nice, the shallow waters which the ship had sailed into gave a kind breeze - nothing harsh or to worry about. Maybe if it was harsher, it would drown out the thoughts which swirled in your mind. In the distance below, you could hear the faint ruckus of dinner; the crew already rowdy and probably fighting over drinks and meat.

"We are all here for you, (y/n)."

Leaning over, Hear lightly patted your hair. The soft gesture brought a small smile to your face as he began to rise to his feet. You didn't move your gaze from one particular piece of timber which jutted out and needed to be repaired. In all honestly, what were you going to do about it? Kid's words were always orders when it came to "work" life, so there was nothing you could do except join alongside him in the ride to come. You could hear Heat lifting the hatch, his heavy boots clunking against the floorboards as he readied himself to leave.

"Hey, Heat?"


He looked up at you, slightly surprised you decided to talk in your mood but listening all the same.

"Can we... spar?"

Looking down the ladder and back to you, Heat thought for a moment. He was thinking about the fact Kid wouldn't be too happy for you two to just fight while no one was around, but you weren't concerned about that. He settled with the idea that you are the captain's girl and that he should be okay with it.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now