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The stock was heavy.

It took you, Heat and a multitude of other crew members to take the weaponry back to the ship. Kid still hadn't shown himself since that morning, apparently Killer was with him too. You had asked Wire what he thinks they're doing, he only mentioned the fact Kid was probably explaining some form of extravagant need for blood to Killer, and that this island might not be safe.

A plan, if you will.

There was money left over from the stock, Wire told you that Killer said you could keep it for the work. You asked Heat if he wanted to come get a drink with you, but he said he wanted to try get as much sleep as possible before Kid began ordering everyone around again. Which was smart in your book, but you ended up going by yourself.

Unlike the previous island, this one was much more scarcely populated - the country being made up mostly of tourists and of pirates who wanted a break of some form. Also what was different from the last place was the fact this bar seemed better-kept, a nice stone tavern with a bold sign reading "The Sailors' Keg" on its front.

Your wound was healing up, but your ship's doctor - who was one of the more sensible people onboard - told you that you still needed to take it easy. You couldn't promise anything, considering what people could potentially be on the island. While your impact and reject dials were out of the question, you were still inclined to use some kind of weapon for defence.

Settling for an axe dial that lay in your pocket, you pushed open the double doors and stepped in.


Behind the bar, a young woman was pulling at a tap: the golden alcohol pouring out into the pint glass she was holding. She looked not too much younger than you, so around her late teens at least. The bar was practically empty, apart from a man sat up at the front. The girl passed him the pint as you began to walk forward, taking in the pictures of old sailors and the wanted posters pinned on the walls.

"Would you like anything?"

The question pulled you out of your distraction as you sat down a few seats from the man, pushing your palm into your cheek lazily.

"If you have any saké, that'll do me fine."

The young lady smiled brightly, nodding and going around the bar to where a door was as she called out to you.

"We have some in the cellar, please bear with me."

You nodded gratefully.


As you waited, the silence crawled over you from all angles; the only sound that of the man's glass hitting the table each time he placed it back down. You weren't one to pry, but as you slid your eyes over to the man, something twinged in your mind. It was almost if your not-so-strong observation Haki was trying to talk to you. He hadn't noticed you staring, but from what you could see of his left side - he had a frown etched on his face and looked to be a bit scruffy.

Now that you thought about it, he looked pretty young. Although, that blank frown didn't help his age, you thought. Two golden earrings were pierced into his lobe and he had dark brown hair pushed under a leopard seal print hat. Finally, a sword was leaned up against the bar next to him...

'Wait, this man...'

Something about him told you that you had seen him somewhere before.

He also didn't leave room for contemplation.

"You done staring, or would you like more of a show?"

The corners of his mouth curled into a smirk, sending an offended look flying onto your features.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now