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"(Y/n)-san! Are you okay? You've been gone so long!"

Since you had last seen the men you lead, you had changed. The same happy smile which hadn't been on your features in so long was now lighting up the area around you. You approached the men, a horse's rein handed to you as you mounted its back. Some of the men gave your smile questioning stares, watching your eyes glint with determination. You noticed their looks, shooting them a scowl as they scrambled to their horses behind you.

"We will set off for Onigashima."

A chorus of "Yes Ma'am" echoed in the area as your cavalry thundered across the barren lands ahead. One man behind you was speaking into a baby den den mushi, ordering someone on the other side to ready your ship to go back "home". Of course, you never liked calling that monstrous island your home - it wasn't anything like it. Kaido would be overjoyed that you came back, making it easier for Law and his allies' plan to begin to roll forward.

You lay with your head on Kid's muscular chest, his heart was beating against your cheek as you were on top of him. Even when you both usually slept like a log after having sex, this time, neither of you could let yourself fall asleep. His hand was around your waist, your bodies completely exposed as you lay under the covers. That ruby red hair you loved so much fell into his features as he no goggles to hold it up, only still wearing the lipstick he always wore. It was slightly smudged at the edges, some of it coming off to make the marks which littered your body top to bottom.

"Hey, Kid?"

At the call of his name through a croaked voice, he looked down as you gazed into his tangerine eyes. His thumb stroked your waist, running over the bruises his hands left from gripping you too hard - as if it was an apology. There was a soft smile on your face as you lay on him.

"Don't you think it's mental that none of this would've happened if I had wings?"

You sounded a little say, yet still happy at the prospect of being in his arms as he held you close. Kid tilted his head back, exposing his neck which was marked with your kisses as he looked at the ceiling above.

"Sometimes. Sometimes I just think how lucky I am."

"Good to know we're on the same wavelength."

His previous frown stretched into a smirk as he looked back down to meet your gaze, his hands wrapping further around your body as you giggled. There was something nagging at your mind, something which you had been dying to ask him yet felt like no time was right. There was nothing stopping you, yet you didn't want to feel the repercussion of your words. Kid could feel as your heart sped up, noticing the small look of thought on your face.

"Tell me what's wrong, (y/n)."

You started at the feeling of your captain sitting up, your body falling into his lap with your legs at each side. There was a hardness against your heat, knowing that he was looking for what was to be round four as you only gave a tiny smile. You looked away, tracing your finger over his muscles as you blushed slightly.

"This is pretty, you know, presumptuous of me to ask Eustass Kid himself - the one who wants to get to the top of the world..."

A laugh slipped your lips as he chuckled, liking the sound of his title against your tongue. Anxiety swelled as you placed your hand against his pectoral, feeling the licking scar against your touch.
Kid was being surprisingly patient, being quiet so he could hear your voice.

"Do you ever... want to make a family?"




Suddenly, you snapped out of your thoughts as the port began to come into view. One of your men who you turned to with an annoyed look was showing signed of distress, holding out his den den mushi. His eyes were wide and he was panicking, making you look at the small thing. The receiver was off, but no voice came from the other side. It was awake but only a buzzing sound came of of its mouth; there was something wrong.

You pulled your horse to a halt, the men also doing the same as you took the creature from from his grip and looked it over. The other men had their transponder snails in their hand, yet the same thing was happening. You snapped your head up at the man, a bullet of sweat rolling down his forehead as you searched his look.

"Where is this connecting to?"

Leaning in closer to hear his answer, the man began to back off slightly as he almost fell off of his transport. The snail was still buzzing in your hand, everyone else's doing the same.

"U-Udon, Ma'am."

'... Udon?'

Unexpectedly, you threw it back at the man as he yelped and caught it with a small struggle. You yanked on your horse's reins, causing it to start slightly and begin to bolt off in the opposite direction to the port. Your men panicked slightly seeing you go, unable to move in their shock as only one thing met with their mind - words they were specifically told.

"Do not let her go to Udon, you listening?"

The man was simply frozen in fear as Kaido's eyes pierced his own, intimidating him to no end. His head shook in a violent nod before he ran off to go get a ship ready for your departure. You were in the next room over, being told this and that by King when the same man ran into the room - making both you and the calamity look up.

"(Y/n)-san, ma'am! We set for the capital!"

The thundering of hooves and the wind which whipped past your face were the only things you could feel. That, and the pumping of blood as your heart rattled inside of the cage of ribs. If there was one thing you knew about Udon, it was that not just anything can breach its security. Which means if you aren't mistaken, there is a possibility he had gotten away...

At the rate you were going at, it wouldn't take that much more than an hour tops for you to go from Hakumai to Udon - that's if no one came running to get you. Since the connection dropped, you could only assume that the calamities as well as Kaido himself were too busy to catch you rather than fix security issues. You knew Queen was in Udon, it brought a grin to your face knowing he had probably lost whatever fight was going on.

Your heart was pumping so fast as your horse was kicking up dust behind you to even think straight as you crossed the border into the desolate land. It had been ages, days, weeks since you had been with your crew. It all felt like a dream which was now in your clutches as you came closer and closer - the very distant and smoky view of the tops of the labour camps coming just about into view. It was time for you to go against your rules, to not feel threatened anymore.

You were an angel, there was no need for you not to be free.



Author's Notes

Again, apologies for my past self's overuse of flashback because the word count sucked. I promise that now, I always write with 100% organic words :)

- TransponderSnail

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