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It hurt. Everything hurt.

It was as if you didn't exist; as if you were just an unfathomable blimp within someone's imagination. Yet the pain that swallowed you whole told you that you were indeed a living being.

Alive and kicking.

Was it only a dream? That you were the lover of Eustass "Captain" Kid and were a member of his crew? From the way your head throbbed and your eyes hurt like weights pulled them down, you reckoned otherwise. Then where was Kid? You couldn't feel his arms around you as your cheek pressed to his strong chest.

Maybe he was already up and you were just lazing around.

Maybe you were ill and needed to check in with the doctor...


Your eyes suddenly shot open at the deep and rumbling voice that came echoing around the enclosed space. The darkness was making every drop of light void as cold stone pressed against your back as if you were leant against a wall. And, what did light up, was the face of a man you didn't want to wake to as lightning thrashed around beyond the walls - illuminating his stern features.

His monstrous features.

No words formed in your mind nor in your mouth, not until you had woken to the fact that something - someone - was dearly missing.

"W-where's Kid?"

As your cracked and disused voice was forced out, an irritated snarl left the emperor's lips, his eyes boring into you as he leaned his hand against his cheek. You could feel the anxiety creeping up your spine, but chose to ignore it and shove a determined look onto your face. There was a smirk curled upon the man's lips as one eyebrow raised lightly at the sight of your confidence boost: albeit just a fake one.

"Don't look at me like that. Your captain - he's not here."

Fear froze you to the spot, not letting you move or even try to get away. Now that you were coming to realise it, there were no restraints on your body. Kaido knew you could try and run away for all he cared, but there was no running from an emperor of the sea.

Not when you were already within his grasp.

His eyes still watched your every move as if you were a performer in a circus show - scrutinising every little flicker of fear in your (e/c) eyes and every twitch of your trembling lips. It was as if you were looking into the face of death himself, worried seriously for your life.

But more than that, your lover.

"You are a foolish woman,"

A loud scoff echoed as Kaido readjusted his leaning position onto the other hand.

"Trying to attack me like that."


Suddenly, the loud and bomb-like echo of your reject dial blowing close to Kaido's face scattered across the island as multiple onlookers gasped in shock. Killer and Kid both showed their shock as they were lost for words. The redhead's fists clenched tightly as an anxious coursed through him, making him want to rip at his own hair in stress.


He barked loud enough for the whole island to hear, the pain in his voice not hidden as he did so. The place where you had set off your weapon was covered in a large, dense cloud of smoke; your body unable to be seen.

"Is she alright in the head?"

Apoo was also completely in shock, Hawkins not so much as batting an eyelid yet still feeling the same unnerving panic as everyone else did.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now