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"Hey, (y/n)!"

"Oi, girl!"

Your name (and other versions) was called left and right as the men of the crew looked to get to know you.

And strangely enough, you let them.

There was a huge table that made its way out onto the open air deck and was now completely overrun with all kinds of different foods and drink. There was everything from large platters of meat to fine bottles of sake, you swore you even saw a cake of all things.

It had been quite a while since you last had alcohol, it was pretty expensive at the majority of islands you had previously stopped at since entering the New World, so you always prioritized things like food and water. Money was only an issue when you hadn't stolen any from Marine bases or Pirates, so you did buy alcohol when you had some spare but recently you had been as broke as a beggar.

There were many bottles and barrels lined up on one end of the table, the crew helping themselves to the beverages. Happily, you walked by and snatched up a shot glass of what looked to be strong vodka and went to lean against the railings nearby.

It was a nice change from your silent and isolated life, seeing men dancing or competing against each other in the broad daylight of the celebration. Though the time of day was a little funky, the spirit was there. And according to some of the crew, Kid would find every opportunity to have a party - and you thought that was pretty neat if you were honest.

Parties didn't come often for you, in fact never, so it was very welcome. Even if it was a party with men you had only just met, ones who were known as some of the cruelest on the seas.

As you moved your hand to your mouth, you easily necked the shot: emptying the glass and chucking it overboard with a content sigh.

Funny how good things come out of shitty situations.

One particular sight that caught your eye while looking around was Kid up by the table, a massive bottle of rum held in his metal hand.

Honestly, you reckoned that if he wasn't careful enough, the bottle would break within the metallic grip. Killer was sat by him; he had no drink to his name as you expected, being that he hadn't taken his mask off even once.

You guessed he wouldn't anytime soon.

The other men were dotted around the ship, some catching your eye with their stupid dances or calling laughter. You could even see Heat alongside Killer with a small glass of something in his hand, watching almost anxiously as his captain drained his own drink as if it were his sport.

"You look empty handed."

You were so caught up in your own thoughts and relaxation that you didn't realize one of the crew members had wandered over to you. As you looked up, your eyes connected with ones which were dark and almost stern.

He was tall - much taller than everyone else you had met on the crew so far - and he had a darker complexion with a rather flat expression. In his hold was a large tankard which looked to be full of rum as he offered it up to you, you taking it thankfully as he stood by you.

"Name's Wire."


You laughed to yourself, introducing yourself back.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now