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Note: this book was written well before we knew what happened after this incident. Please understand the rockiness of plot!

Kid disappeared around the corner, rushing as he ran to the front of the castle. You and the others were close behind, your legs feeling as if they were on fire as you dashed down the stone hallway. Screeching around the corner, you flipped the flap of your bag up just quick enough to pull a dial from your inventory of items. From what your haki was telling you, whatever this thing was, it wasn't something that would go down without a fight. Something also told you that an impact dial wouldn't be enough: so for the first time in years, you slid the spiralling shell of an reject dial into your gloves.

From up ahead, you could see the sparkling daylight streaming through the large, oak doors where the form of Kid had just thrown them open. You had to squint as the outside came closer and closer, the light blinding as it obscured your vision. As you came within feet of the man, you watched his back grow bigger the nearer you came - his figure stopped and unmoving.

Finally catching up to him, your smaller form slipped past his in the doorway; heading out to where the sunlight was so bright you had shield your eyes. Unexpectedly, a large hand caught you by the back of your shirt, your body flying backwards to meet with Kid's open chest. Killer and the other two captains were stood behind him still in the hallway as they watched the strange exchange of wordless actions; Killer becoming increasingly more concerned by the minute. There was no doubt in your mind that they were sensing the same thing that you were, Kid especially so.

Your eyes had not yet adjusted to the light as they were narrowed in a squint as you looked ahead. Down the hillside, you could see the shadowy forms of yours, Apoo's and Hawkins' men as they all stood completely still. The closest person was to your right, your eyes watching his expression which was contorted in both a mixture of horror and bewilderment. His pupils shook slightly as his mouth was parted ever so slightly; his forehead slick with sweat as he stared off into the distance. Following his eye-line, you noticed that the other men had similar looks on their faces down the line until you could no longer see their expressions from being so far away.

But there was one thing in common - they all looked towards the same place. The same place being a huge hole which was pushed into the ground below.

Kid's had slowly retracted from your shirt as he began to move past you. He began to walk his way through the crowds of men, pushing them out the way angrily as he approached the issue. What a Kid thing to do, rush at something head on. Killer shot past you like a blur, the two captains following as they made a beeline to where kid was going. Even when your captain and second in command had gone, something was tugging at you heart - telling you no. You were much more rational than your captain, so you knew that it was now in your hands to make sure he didn't get harmed in any way. This is kid you're talking about, he will put up a fights.

Your feet were completely glued to the ground even when the rumbling happened again, breaking the eerie silence which had overcome the island and beyond. The men around were jostled slightly with the quake, trying to keep themselves balanced. You too were remaining upright, albeit with a lot of effort as you closed your eyes to avoid the dust that was being kicked up going in them. Heat and Wire were no where to be found, you could only assume they were stood somewhere where you couldn't see.

The short quake had stopped as you began to crack open your eyes. Surprisingly, the sun was no longer in them. Replacing the warm raise what something of a shadow; where two horn-like protrusions fell at your feet in the form of darkness. Dust was still swirling, but you could just make out a gigantic and humanoid figure. Your eyes went wide as a booming voice shook everyone surrounding.

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