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You knew way better than to turn down an infamous captain's request.

No, order.

You were definitely smarter than to let one of the Worst Generation end your adventure right then and there. Going to a marine post and handing yourself in was probably the better idea, but you knew that now you were on Eustass Kid's ship there was no getting away from your fate.

But did you mind or were you relieved?

The light was blinding.

Unlike before you woke up, the storm was gone only to be replaced by kind sunshine and... a crew of men.

You submerged from the depths of the ship up a flight of rickety and worn stairs, the light from the sun hitting you as you looked around at the various men on board. Some were hanging around in small gaggles while others were more reserved and doing their own thing. But there was no mistake, all of them looked like they could and would kill anyone who messes with them. Even you, in a simple instant.

However, there was one person who you were expecting to see - and there he was.

Kid was already out and had waited for you to come, standing by "Massacre Soldier" Killer who you had seen during your mishap of being kidnapped and previous in stacks of wanted posters you got with the morning paper.

Just like you had seen before your cruel and unexpected fate, he was dangerous-looking. Who knew a blondie could look so menacing yet so calm?

"Bout time!"

Immediately as Kid's gaze locked onto your unsure self, he yelled over at you.

"Get over here, Angel!"

You stopped, blinking rather owlishly in surprise and confusion. What the hell?

'... Angel?'

Killer turned to face you as you ambled on over to where they stood, being cautious as you didn't know what to expect. After all, this whole situation was a gamble.

At the captain's call, the rest of the crew turned their attention to where you were now stood, having mixed reactions among the group.

One-hundred percent, you weren't the kind of person who wanted any attention: bad or not. The way that some catcalled you like you weren't wearing a dress shirt that was long sleeved and a pair of pinstripe trousers was genuinely disturbing and boiled your blood ever so slightly. It definitely was not a comforting place to be.

Yet other remained silent; but would look you up and down like you were something of an alien to them. You could say they were surprised a female was on their ship - for once not being there for...

other purposes.

"This the new one?"

Killer's voice was low, he was definitely not as demanding and rude as his captain but still held that air of importance and power. You didn't exactly know how to act around him, not yet. Caution was the way to go, for now. You needed to gauge the people around you.

Kid looked at you with a smirk, opening his mouth to speak when you leaned on one side with a hand on your hip. Confidence wasn't there, but fake it until you make it.


"(y/n). Nice to meet you."

There was a silence from the two as Killer nodded, the only noise being the background uproar of men in the background. You were a little hesitant to accept his docile reaction, still feeling a worried tension in your shoulders.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now