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Kid's hand was clenched as he watched the ship they had raided go up in flames.

His tangerine eyes reflected the strong embers as they engulfed the vessel, the nasty smell of burning flesh stinking the atmosphere.

He was angry.

Nothing could stop the feeling of rage that bubbled inside of him each time he thought of you. The vision of the knife sticking out from under your hip in a bloody mess drove him mad, his fist connecting with the railings - the wood shattering under his aim as nearby men flinched.

If anyone were to talk to Eustass Kid now, they wouldn't be breathing after what the enemy did to the Angel; you.


Killer was completely ignored by his captain as the redhead stormed his way across the deck. His heavy boot clunked against the timber as a vein popped in his forehead, his teeth clenched. The murderous aura that wrung him as the skies began to ease of rain was overpowering, making him a walking mine.

His workshop door slammed hard enough to shake the whole ship.

Killer went to stand by Heat as there was a moment of silence, only seconds after being ripped by the sound of Kid wrecking everything inside as he tried taking out his anger. The men were thankful that it was the room, not them.

"He's really mad about what happened to (y/n), huh."

Killer nodded to the blue haired man as Wire padded over, sighing loudly at the thought of you asleep in the infirmary. They knew you were strong and that you would be okay, but Kid wasn't taking anything well. He had already broken railings and yelled at the top of his lungs at the poor lower down members of the crew.

This rage was as torrential as the storm that had come and gone.


It was nothing like you had seen in your entire life.

From the world of yours that included only the flurry of fluffy and graceful clouds - nothing but white on the horizon - to something you weren't at all sure was real.

Blue; as far as you could see was the sparkling waters of salty sea. This was not the sky and you were more than sure you must be dead. After all, falling from such an immense hight would of killed you.


It was silent, too.

No noise except from the lapping waves on white sands that were something new to you. Things you had only seen in story books. The call of distant gulls and everything colourful was foreign, how the blue sky and the sun seemed so far away as you lay; back against the ground as a painful sting came from your back now covered in gritty sand.

They took your wings and now you were subject to the Blue Sea.

They tore you apart, and you were somehow alive.

It was like the day you fell, except the pain blistered your side instead of your back.

Your head was spinning and it felt like even hell itself was taunting you by keeping you alive. Maybe you got lucky again, and you were okay.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now