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Even if the bed in the infirmary was more comfortable than your hammock in your room and even if you had strictly been told to stay asleep, your forehead was slick with sweat and your body hurt too much to stay still. You were slightly disorientated, eyes blurry and senses numbed as you pushed yourself up onto your elbows. Trying to regain your sight, you swung your legs tiredly from the bed and hung them over the floor.

The air was slightly suffocating, making breathing hard. You managed to stand, albeit like a newborn deer on its bandy, little legs. There wasn't a lot of space between the bed and the door, so it wouldn't take a normal person even five steps to exit the room. But for you, it was a slow stagger as you tried to walk for the first time in what ended up being a few days. Since the fight, you hadn't been up - so pins and needles coursed through your limbs as you took one step at a time.

Of course, apart from pain that caused you either sleeplessness or wide-awake shock, what kept you awake was the previous day. How Kid held you like you were a feather, about to fly away from his grip in a light gust of wind. How he held you like he wasn't known to be brutal, like he was someone who was indeed open and not unreadable. But of course, it had been only you who saw this side of him: and it kept your mind running.

Kid was the one you thought about most of the painful time you spent coming in and out of consciousness. It was almost laughable how you had gone from being sneered at by him as you defended you boat to feel, say, possibly something more nervously heart aching towards him. Almost as if your body decided to betray everything you ever knew to feel something towards him...

No matter.

The door was finally in reach, your paling hand connecting with the handle as you brought it down and opened the threshold. You were then hit by a breeze. No gust, more of an evening's kindness as it ruffled your (h/c) hair. Your lungs thanked you after having only been breathing the stuffy infirmary air as you took a step out, shutting the door as quietly as you could to not disturb anyone.

Eyes on the door as it shut, you turned back and breathed deeply - taking in the view of the ocean.

Dark waves like endless abysses danced against the rough hull of the boat, serenading the sleeping men, the awake you. The only thing that lit up their void-like existence was the reflection of the moon as it glistened happily against the lulling waves. Each single star was speckled above like god himself had flicked white paint against the pitch canvas known as the night's sky.

If there was a god, that is.

A shiver ran down your back thinking of your homeland, you hoped the rumours about Mugiwara Luffy taking down that bastard who called himself God were true. The Blue Sea was unbothered with news like that, so you would never truly know if it happened. Even if everyone liked Enel, you sure didn't. You never did.

However, as you began to trudge forward to stand at the bow of the ship, Someone had beaten you to it.

You sucked in a breath.

"... captain?"

The unforgettable red locks were what stood out in the darkness, your eyes connecting with the broad fur coat that hung from the man's shoulders. It seemed as if he was in his own world, your call making him shoot a sharp glare over his shoulders until he saw it was you.

"Angel? You are meant to be fucking resting!"

Kid's strong tiger-shade eyes connected with yours, following each movement until you ended up standing next to him. You were much shorter, causing him to look down as you raised an eyebrow at him. You decided countering him was the way to go.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now