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"About time!"

The ship had begun to switch direction as you came hurtling off the top of the rocks - perfectly landing with a small thud on the deck.

"It wasn't that long."

Kid was stood before you, a smirk on his face as he motioned for you to come to him. His arms were open and you walked straight for him, the ship barely missing cannons still going off as he wrapped his grip around your waist and pulled you into his side.

"Aight, get moving!"

It was always fun to watch Kid order people around in his booming voice, the angry expression on his face permanently tattooed there. The crew replied with shouts as they turned the wheel completely so the ship would swing around faster. Seemingly, the Marines were still desperate to just get even one hit. But luckily for your crew, Wire, Heat and Killer were already on the defense. There was no getting past them.

"I must say angel,"

There was a small tug at your side as Kid leaned down so that you could feel his breath on your cheek.

"You are quite something."

Your cheeks began to flare up at his compliment. Waving your hand bashfully, you saw the smirk on the man's face widen ever so slightly as his fingers wrapped further around your waist.

It was beginning to cloud over more and the subtle and distant pattering of rain on nearby seas became more rapid, closer by the minute. Kid had taken his hand from around you to finalize some of the Marines who had pulled their battleship a bit too close to the Victoria Punk. You decided to sit back and watch as you drew further and further away from the marine base.

There was no escape luckier than the one you had experienced. Before, you had been in bases. But never a base with a vice admiral as the highest rank. Whoever the vice admiral was, it was just good you managed to jump. Even if a few dials broke while it happened. Just thinking about and replaying how the shells smashed against the floor made you a little sad. You could've at least used them one more time before they broke. It was a good thing you had a couple more back in your own room.

"So what did you get?"

So caught up in your own thoughts, you hadn't realized Killer - who had wandered over to you now that the ship was out of bad waters. The clouds were rolling in fast, but weather was more promising than marines.

You gave him a quick glance before digging into your bag, scrunching up your features as you tried to find the eternal pose. It took a minute, but you could feel the cold and shiny exterior of the object under your touch: pulling it out and handing it over to the taller man. Killer took it up in his grip, looking it over once or twice - not like you could tell from his mask.

"Eternal pose, huh?"

Nodding, he handed it back to you immediately. His arms crossed back over and he began to observe Kid as he shouted at some crew member or another to hurry up. Heat had gone down to the bowels of the ship to get something and Wire was trudging over to where both you and the blonde were stood.

"Did you have issues getting it?"

Wire ended up leaning against the railings next to you, your shoulders shaking briefly in a shrug as you sighed.

"No, it was okay. Although,"

To prove your next point, you pulled up your bag so the tall man could see the large rip in one of the sides.

"I did catch this on a window escaping. I could hear the vice admiral or someone coming into the room just as I jumped."

Wire laughed, turning his gaze out to join Killer in watching Kid. The rain had now come and it was lightly hitting the deck, making it slick and a little slippery. Unlike last time it rained like this, the wind wasn't blowing - drops falling directly down from the sky onto the ship.

Your hands continued to look over the object as the rest of the crew calmed down from having to get away from the Navy, starting to retreat inside or do whatever they had in store for them next. The dust around the structure was so thick that you couldn't even begin to rub it off. But luckily for you, the rain aided in your clean. You used the back of your shirt's sleeve to scrub at it, slowly being able to see the dark wood which encased the glass.

Squinting slightly, you noticed something like a letter at the top along the rim which made your eyes light up. Your rubbing turned vigorous, making the last of the dense dust rush away with the water; now able to see the words clearly.


Unknowingly to you, Wire was leaning over your shoulder from next to you as he read the word out loud. He sounded just as confused as you felt, looking down on the carved words which branded the from of the pose. You were both taking a look, scanning the words over and over.

"What's this?"

Kid had heard you and was sauntering over to where you sat. He leaned down and quickly prized the eternal pose from your hands, pulling it to his eyelevel and checking it over.


Repeating Wire's confused tone, Kid's search was interrupted as Killer took it from him. The hotheaded redhead shot his friend a fiery glare before huffing angrily.

"I read about this island once. Apparently there's some good loot there, but no one has ever been able to navigate to this island before because of its unusual and confusing magnetism."

"So there's no telling how long it could take to go there?"

You walked over to Killer, looking closely at the pin that pointed behind you with one hand on your chin in thought. Of course, hearing this, Kid had a massive grin spread across his features. Anyone could see the want for money in those tangerine eyes.

"It could take days. Although judging by the fact you found it at that marine base, it might not be too far away."

"So are we going?"

Killer paused, looking between the pose and you as you tilted your head slightly to one side; awaiting his answer. Kid looked at him and back to you, clicking his tongue lightly at the thought of loosing out on treasure. He knew the answer.

"We were actually planning on going by the island where our base is located."

You had heard about this base island before. Kid mentioned it was an island in the new world they had ended up finding and calling a claim on it as no one lived on it or nearby. He also said they go their to stock up on things like food, so it was a pretty useful place.

"Why? We literally just restocked."

Once more, Killer looked at kid who sighed with slight annoyance, walking up to you and sliding a had around your waist as Killer nodded to him. You were beginning to worry - whatever was about to be said didn't seem that good. It was either that, or there was some sort of dangerous plan brewing.

"There's something we gotta to talk to you about later."



His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now