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After the whole ordeal of you managing to successfully break into a Marine base and get the one thing they didn't want falling into other hands, you had become pretty sour. What else were you meant to do but go back to bed after being told the one thing you practically risked your life to get was not being prioritised. Personally, you didn't get why the base island was the next stop.

"How is my Angel?"

Kid had decided to leave you alone for a while, actually thinking for once about how tired you were and letting you sleep. Usually he would want to be doing other things when you were in bed, so it was nice to just sleep in his bed no issue.

Over the time you had become closer and even now lovers with your captain, you grew more and more used to sleeping in his bed. And it seemed like your alone time was up as you felt the bed sink as he crawled over you.

You were laying on your front, your face pressed into your soft pillow on your side of the bed - more than half asleep but slowly waking as you felt a metallic hand brush your back. Deciding it was uncomfortable to nap in your clothes, you took off the majority of your layers, being now only in your bra and panties. Of course, that was extremely inviting to the redhead.

Groaning lightly in your sleep, you felt colder air hit your back as the man slowly slid the covers from on top of your body backwards. You were about to turn around and snap at him in complaint, until you felt both his metal and flesh touch on your back. Beginning from your hips, he pressed along the edges of your back - smoothing out the knots and aches in your muscles with an expert hand. Honestly not even you would've been able to guess that Kid was good at that kind of thing.

It was a nice sensation, however it ended as he soon rolled you over; your front exposed to him with only your undergarments on. You had a pout on your face as you looked up at him, a bit annoyed he stopped with the unexpected massage. Of course that left a large smirk on his face as he leaned down to your ear.

"Why don't we have a little fun, now that you're up."

His husky voice sent shivers down your spine. The touch from his hand as it crept down your side caused a gasp to hitch in your throat, red burning your cheeks. You wanted to resist, to tell him you were still tired and how it was still only late afternoon: but the way he began to bite lightly on your upper neck made you change your mind.

"You're such a good girl, hm?"

He knew exactly how to get you, the flustered look on your face going into a deeper shade as his fingers met with the edge of your panties. Each small chuckle which left his lips in between licks and bites made you feel a pool of wetness at you heat. Moving his mouth from your neck, Kid caught you in a quick kiss. Your hands managed to wrap around his neck, just as you felt his hand move under your panties.


Slowly, his fingers began to massage your clit as his head buried in the crook of your neck; kissing at you inner neck and collarbone as he went. His touch elicited small moans from you as he sped up ever so slightly, whispering praise in your ears as you called his name lightly. His fingers began to run along your wet folds, one beginning to push into your core.

"Tight like a Virgin."

Kid's words were more of a compliment, although his chuckle made you embarrassed as he began pumping his finger in and out of you. You tried to move your hips to meet his touch, only being denied with a bite to your neck. You had already been branded with many bites from the man which stood out bold for anyone to see against your skin, but Kid always loved to make more signs of your belonging.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now