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It had been a good few days since what happened with you and Kid in the workshop.

Most of the time while still being on the move through the New World, you were trying hard to work to a standard and Kid was holed up in his workshop. The only time he would come out was to get pissy over having no people to fight and no ships to plunder. To no one's surprise, the crew themselves were also missing the action and fighting that they endured normally.

"(Y/n), when's lunch?"

You had taken to helping Killer out in the kitchen, the blonde finding the extra bit of help useful. When you were little, you couldn't cook. But making it to sea by yourself, you made it your duty to learn how to.

"Not long, I swear."

Right now, however, you were out on the deck taking a break with a mug of tea in your hand as you leaned on the railings. Every single man onboard was starving and could hardly contain themselves, Wire included as he grumbled to you. He honestly sounded like a little kid and to be fair, it was starting to annoy you.

"But it's been an hour."

Finally, you snapped at him.

"Wire, I am not some sort of magician and neither is Killer. Please shut up and make yourself useful rather than complaining to me about the food you didn't take the time to make."

Every single man within the area turned to you with shocked glances.

Wire blinked a few times rather owlishly as you looked at him sourly, your hands on your hips like a scolding mother. A hum of confusing from the sudden attention slipped your lips as you looked around the deck. There was a moment of silence, right before a rumbling laugh came from Wire. He walked over to you from where he stood and ruffled your hair until it was messed.

"Okay, okay. You're beginning to act like the captain with that attitude."

As soon as he spoke in that mocking tone, your jaw dropped open.

An angry roar came from your small self as you attempted to punch the tall brunette, his hand holding your head in place so you couldn't do anything. It was amusing to him and the others, as they were laughing loudly like you were in a comedy show. They may have been hungry, but for now this fun would do.

However, you were all so caught up in your own thing, you didn't notice that Kid's workshop door had slammed open; until you heard his voice.


Turning around while looking slightly pissed from being messed around with, you saw Kid stood in his doorway - a grin on his face. That was a normal thing for the redhead, except now it looked more pleased than manic.

Bounding away from Wire, you went towards the redhead with a smile of your own.

"Captain, hello."

There was no time to react between your smiling greeting and the metal hand which grabbed your upper arm. You were then whisked inside the workshop, the door slamming behind you: leaving the men to stare. Even Wire raised an eyebrow, watching as the deck fell silent.

You let out a squeak as Kid pulled you across the room, seating you down on a chair.

"Captain what-"

"Just stay still."

Kid rustled around in a toolbox which was propped open against the wall, bringing out a large tape mesure and holding it in his hand.

Once again, he grabbed you and pulled you closer, but this time by the hand. He was seated on the floor - cross legged and slightly hunched over so he could see your hand better. The tape measure was cold as he wrapped the circumference of your palm with it, taking a look at the number and writing it on a small piece of paper that was on his knee.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now