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If you hadn't had already had a good nap, you would've gone on down to whoever shouted from the deck below and strangled them personally.

It had been a good few hour since you had your stitches removed. The removal process, despite it not being you who was doing the work, had you exhausted and set for a sleep - short or not. Since the weather decided to be okay, a little cloudy here and there, you thought that going back to bed was a bit of a waste. Settling for the crow's nest after having to shoo some of the men from the small platform-like structure, you had a good sleep.

That was until someone from below woke you up with their alerting call.

Rubbing your eyes, your vision was blurred as you began to sit up from where you were lying. You hadn't brought anything comfortable up, so you ended up using your bag as a pillow. The shouts from below turned into rushing footsteps, gaining your attention as you pulled yourself to your feet. You felt slightly wobbly, that was understandable as you had only just woken up and were now leaning over the sides of the crow's nest to look on down below.

The waves were lapping against the Victoria Punk; not viciously but also not so calmly. Clouds hung in the air, making the atmosphere cooler than one would expect considering the bright sun dancing between their fluffy outlines. You tried to hold a hand above your brow, shading out the light so you could see far across the open water. What you hadn't expected to connect your eyes onto, was something in the distance like a small island.

What you could see looked to be like one solid tower in a metallic grey, standing tall against the horizon as rocky cliffs surrounded its edges. There were docks surrounding the land and it seemed to be pretty tight in security; having many ships lining the perimeter. Having no doubt in your mind, you knew from the battleship style vessels and the symbol painted on the building's side, that this was a Navy Outpost.


The unmissable demanding call of Kid's voice resonated up to where you were stood overlooking the sea. At his call, you ran across the platform to the other side, noticing the redhead down on the deck. On his face a rather excited yet slightly sadistic grin was brewing, everyone surrounding him having the same kind of reaction.

"How about we see what you can do now you've gotten better, eh?"

Of course.

Not even twenty-four hours after having stitches removed, Kid wants you fighting. As much as you would've loved to object, you just nodded sharply and looked back over your shoulder.

The base was coming further and further into sight; there was no way that they hadn't seen you coming. Kid was taking no caution in approaching them, but then again that was just his pure confidence taking over. You sure didn't doubt him one bit, considering what absolute power both he and the rest of the crew had. The only thing you doubted was your abilities, having been rusty for a good week now. Getting out of shape wasn't something you liked to do, but you had to endure it for a bit now. Maybe a fight would do you some good.

"We just fighting or is there something of need in that base?"

Killer was as unreadable as always. There was something of an aura around him which displayed the same intentions as Kid, just less so and more abstained. He shrugged you off, not moving his head from the line of sight in which the base was located.

"Fighting was the plan. If they end up having something we like, we will take it."

Listening to his calm words, you huffed triumphantly. Killer did what you could only tell was a glance down at you; his mask tilting slightly in your direction. What he could see was a determined look on your face as you drummed your fingers on the wood of the railings.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now