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It was nice, going out alone.

It almost felt nostalgic like you hadn't in forever, but in reality you were alone days ago. Sometimes being away from the rowdy crew was great, no slight headache from the roaring masculine voices. Honestly you were surrounded by way too much testosterone. Another thing was that you could shop in peace with the money Kid actually gave you with minor complaints.

The first thing you did was go off to a clothes store; one that was stocked with all kinds of clothing and materials. It was run by an older man, who nodded to you as you came through the door which made the bell jingle. You scoured the racks of items, mainly taking a look at the shorts and shorter t-shirts as they would be easy to manoeuvre in.

The first item which caught your eye was a turtle neck that had a ridged corduroy pattern in black. Even if it wasn't the short sleeved thing you searched for, it was pretty appealing and didn't look too hot to wear in warm weather.

The next item you picked up was a pair of grey, denim shorts - their cut off was short but still covering. Your boots were perfectly okay, you had no issue with them and there wasn't anything else you wanted, but there were still things you needed. Besides, maybe Kid would be happy if you brought back some change.

After getting some more things you ended up deciding would be a good idea to get, you wandered over to the man at the till.

"That's eight-thousand berries."

Dropping the coins on the counter, you took the bag from the man with a small thanks. Now that you had your stuff, you turned to leave. Taking a few steps to the door, you just made it so your hand pushed the handle when the man piped up.

"Hey, kiddo."

At the call, you stopped short - taking your hand off of the handle and glancing over your shoulder at the man who now looked slightly serious. A bullet of sweat ran down your forehead as the stare was pretty uncomfortable.

"Isn't your boyfriend the guy who caused a ruckus in the bar?"

Blinking a few times at him and turning your whole body to face him, you gave him a blank look as you tried to process what he was saying. The cogs were turning pretty slowly until they stopped - his words sinking in.

Suddenly, an angry blush invaded your face as you looked flustered and annoyed at the man who was literally just trying to get an answer from you. You were lost for words as you pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"He's my captain, not my boyfriend!"

The man's hands shot in the air as he surrendered himself to your outburst, chuckling awkwardly and shaking his head. To him, you seemed not to be the kind of person to be seen with someone like your captain, that's the only reason he asked.

"Okay, okay. I didn't know that was such a touchy subject."

Huffing, you turned around and left the man in silence only slightly broken by the sound of the bell. The afternoon was dragging on as you left the shop, sighing loudly. You had problems with guys in the past, sure, but never did anyone ask if the one guy they saw with you one time was your boyfriend. People as so quick to assume.

Plus, you were more than sure you didn't want a relationship in any form anytime soon with anyone.

Especially not with someone like Kid.

That was in the past, though. You still had a good chunk of time before anyone would come looking for you, so you thought it would be a good idea to explore what of the island you could.

You started off where the shops were, looking in each window at each product as you strolled along the main road. It was late afternoon, but the markets which lined the street were still bustling. Avoiding the crowds as much as possible, you walked through to where a square was - a large fountain in the middle with crystal waters gushing from the top.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now