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That night, you and Kid got back to the ship with no issues.

You followed after him contently as you both made your way to the Victoria Punk, the rest of the crew on deck waiting for the both of you. Initially, it was intended that you would stay one more night at the island.

However, according to Killer, Kid made even more of a ruckus after you left to go shopping and that was most likely going to trigger the marines to come as soon as they could. So the plan was to get moving as soon as you and the captain returned.

"I heard what happened, Kid was grumbling about it."

Killer was in the kitchen cooking up something for the members who hadn't gotten a chance to eat something for dinner yet, you included as you sat at the table before anyone else. Your hand was pressed into your cheek as you leaned on it, the other offering the blonde a lazy wave as you yawned widely.

"Eh, it's nothing. The guy didn't pull anything that went too far."

"(Y/n), it means a lot for Kid to do that."

He turned his head slightly so you could see the side of his mask, one hand on the handle of a pan which was cooking some form of noodle soup. You made no note of what he said, humming as you played with a strand of your hair which had fallen in your face.

Killer sighed, turning back to the cooking as you stretched out against the table with your head on the surface.

"You think there's enough hot water in the tank for me to shower right now?"

Killer was so engrossed in his activity that he only gave a grunt of confirmation, springing to your feet and leaving the room with a quick goodbye.

There were three showers on board.

The first two belonged obviously to the two highest members of the crew, Kid and Killer. They were in their rooms and no one else dared to use them. The last was one which the rest of the crew used - down in the bottom of the ship where the men's quarters were.

Being the only woman there and the fact that the door to the shower room had no lock, you guiltily had to drag Heat from whatever he was doing just to get him to stand outside and make sure no one would come in. It's funny how the first fight you had with someone onboard ended up in what was like a friendship. You had only been on the crew a minimal amount of time, yet you trusted Heat with every fibre of your being.

After getting your towel, you headed on down with Heat. His ever-sad expression was on his features as he sat down in a chair by the door to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Heat. I appreciate it."

"No worries."

The room was pretty bare. Just your usual bathroom with the same wood cladding the walls as it did the rest of the ship with a medium-sized shower. The guys' products were up on a shelf and were also dotted around the place, you always brought your own stuff when you showered.

Water was now cascading through the small shower head as you jumped right in while it was hot. Another luxury Kid and Killer got, infinite warm water. Much unlike you and the others, who had literally a timer to check how long the water would run hot before turning cold.

You seemed to have a good five minutes and would make the most of it - already running your hands through your hair as you lathered in shampoo. The scent was of lavender, something you wouldn't normally go for considering you weren't really a flowery person; but you still enjoyed it none the less. Other than being in your own room, it was one of those rare moments you had all to yourself.

"Do you like your wings, (y/n)?"

Often, as your hands ran your body to rub soap into your skin, you would stop when your arms reached over your shoulder and touched in between your shoulder blades.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now