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What you had realised, since stepping on Eustass Kid's ship, was that staying on islands for your own leisure never went hand in hand with being a pirate.

You thought you had just enough time to explore, after being held up by one inquisitive surgeon, and had just walked by the port - ready for adventure - when you were called over by Killer.

Turns out that Killer had thought it was a good idea to get going, since there was a Marine outpost not too far from the island, he had discovered. While you were pretty bummed out, you couldn't imagine Kid cared too much.

He probably just went along with whatever Killer said, like usual. Probably a bit of complaint here, grumbling there, but ultimately following his direction.

The night was rolling in fast, and you weren't expecting to feel as tired as you were. Sure you had spent all day on an island, but you still helped Heat with carrying the vast majority of cannonballs. They weren't light, either.

It was lucky you had anyway, the cannonballs had all been used up in the fight against those no-name pirates. That was unfortunately something that reminded you about the nagging in the back of your mind - the need to get stronger.

But for now, since there wasn't anything left for you to do, you decided to go get some rest.

Wire had asked you to come join the rest of the crew in eating, yet you politely declined, feeling the sleep tugging at your mind. The ideal situation was to go back to your own hammock and sleep away, but the reminder that Kid's room was now technically open for you to use dawned on you.

That was the thing.

You and Kid definitely and obviously had something of a mutual love. The weird thing was that neither you nor him knew what to do with yourselves around each other, well more you than him. You hadn't talked about the relationship enough to know where you both stood and certainly no one had said those three words.

It was too soon, for now.

All you knew, was that you were his indefinitely.

Feeling free to do whatever you pleased, within reason as Kid still had a short temper for you to mind, you trotted across the deck as soon as you had finished up the last menial task you had been given. Kid's room was much warmer than the rapidly-dropping outside air, and it was a relief to even step foot inside of it.

The room was left like it was this morning, still and empty of life. As you got in, you immediately started taking off your boots, putting them over by the bathroom door.

You felt like you were practically freezing to death, and that got you wondering if Kid would mind if you used the shower to help warm up.

Luckily, both him and Killer had no time limit on their hot water, so you could take it as you pleased. The only thing which was stopping you was the the idea that Kid could come back at anytime, and there was no lock on the door.

Maybe he would be too busy to came back yet anyway. He was always in his workshop.

Taking a step into his bathroom, you instantly noticed how much better the captain got it.

Unlike the crew's bathroom, Kid was a lot bigger. A claw-footed Bath that was incredibly regal stood in the middle at the back wall; a shower on the other side of the room. It was weird thinking Kid had such fancy things, knowing how uncaring he was about that sort of stuff and interior design.

But who were you to judge? He was a captain, after all.

Closing the door behind you, you took off your clothes bit by bit until you were left in your bra and panties. For a second, you wondered if you should just take a shower with them on to avoid being exposed if the captain did come back, but you decided against that as it wouldn't be as comfortable. Not like you were comfortable, anyway, you still had stitches travelling up your side.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now