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There was a large silence taking up the time it took Kid's tangerine eyes to gaze between yours and the crew surrounding.

His eyes travelled to the blade under your neck, his flesh fist crunching up. The scars on his face were stretching as he gritted his teeth. His red hair looked even more fiery and he straightened up to his full, intimidating height.

Kid was mad, and things weren't forecast to go down well.

"Trafalgar Law."

Law hummed disinterestedly upon hearing his own name, sliding his eyes to you while still having his blade flush with your throat. There was a really tense atmosphere and it didn't take an idiot to notice it, the entire bar as quiet as a graveyard.

And as it remained, an awkward smile came onto your features as you tapped the blade against your neck almost gingerly.

"I would really take this away if you don't want my Captain to go ham in this bar."

The suggestion really didn't help as the doctor decided to press it further into your skin, threatening to draw blood.


Kid had his metal hand out and was motioning to you with one steely finger, but his voice was low.

Low like you had done something, and clearly Law also recognised that.

Pressing the tip of your finger to the blade, you cautiously took the weapon away from your neck - slowly getting up and walking over to Kid. It was weird how silent the man was being, eerily so. Despite your clear intentions, his were much murkier. Why in the hell was he being so calm about this whole entire thing? What had gotten into him? As far as you knew, he'd take any chance to tear into another Worst Generation captain.

There was this small smirk on his face as he addressed the other captain himself, one so calm it concerned all present.

"Funny to see such a man as yourself in the New World, Trafalgar."

Kid was now looking less angry and more jesting as he had a grip on your waist - your poor self looking pretty exhausted and feeling pretty apologetic.

Unlike someone, you can survive around other captains without being an ass.

"See you when I'm on top of the world, Trafalgar Law."

Of course, you knew Kid's ego was unrivalled, but there was this verbal confidence and assertiveness that got put into talking to another Worst Generation member that you hadn't seen before. At least not on this scale. And honestly, it was confusing to the masses. Everyone had expected and almost prepared for a fight, so it was shocking.

Especially to you, as you raised an eyebrow at your unusual lover.


However, Kid's chuckle was the last thing he left with you alongside him. Genuinely, you couldn't believe that happened with no scuffle. It seemed he was saving it for the end of the journey.

So you guessed.

Behind the both of you, the doors slammed shut. The only person to break the silence was the redhead - Shachi - a massive shiver running down his spine as he sighed aggressively with relief.

"So that's who she is... I thought I recognised the guy she was with earlier."

Everyone turned to look at him, his expression was anxious as he mulled on the thought of your crew and its known ways.

Sure, they had all seen Kid at Sabaody: but you weren't in the crew then, so it would've been hard to recognise you unless you were a part of it back then.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now