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"Why look who it is!"

It was the morning after the night spent in the shower with Kid making hot love, and you had just about been able to pry yourself from the man's arms to go and get some form of coffee from the kitchen. Most of the men were still resting, but there were two people sat up at a table in the corner of the extensive galley kitchen.

You felt entirely too grumpy to begin to reply to the teasing tone which Wire was expressing, what looked to be a coffee in front of him. Heat was sitting next to him, his hand pressed into his cheek tiredly as he watched you pour hot water through the filter.

"'Kid, oh, Kid!'"

"Wire, I'm tired. But I will not hesitate to send a butter knife through your head."

Snapping at his joking impression of you moaning, you spun around and waved said knife which you were using to spread jam on the toast you were making. The man put both hands in the air, Heat sighing from next to him: drawing your attention.

"Tired? You kind of kept us all up..."

The perpetually sad look on Heat's face looked especially exhausted as he sunk further down into his chair. You gave a small scoff, clearly not wanting do deal with them that day. Both wire and Heat watched as you balanced your mug on your plate, turning to sit at a stool pulled up to the countertop to eat.

Considering how bad of a mood you were in, the toast was pretty great. And apart from the slightly exhausted silence which hung over the three of you, you were doing well with your mood. Only the sounds of mugs on tables and the clink of a plate was heard as you finished up your breakfast.

"You said you were tired,"

Wire called to you again, you looking over your shoulder to listen to him as he addressed you.

"Why don't you go back to bed?"

Placing your plate in the sink and filling it up with hot bubbles, you began to clean at your cutlery while sighing loudly.

"I would, but I'm getting these stitches out today."

"That's good. I take it you'll be fighting again as soon as?"

With a light and tired laugh, you dried off your hands and turned to place both hands on your hips. Of course, you would've loved to get right back into training; especially considering how you felt like you were weakening and needed to become stronger. But that just wasn't the case.

"I wish,"

You watched as Heat rubbed his eyes from next to Wire, pushing himself off of the table in his tired state and sitting up. Wire just had his arms crossed over as he stared at you.

"Kid would obviously want me back on the battlefield, but the doctor said no and that's final."

Giving you a tilt of his head, a slow and mischievous smirk grew on Wire's face. You frowned lightly before watching as he laughed teasingly.

"What? So you're telling me you can let the captain bang you like he did but not let you fight-"

With an exasperated expression, you began to boil with embarrassment, ready to go off at the man. That was swiftly taken apart when the door slammed open to reveal the one person who made this situation work. Speak of the devil, and he shall come.

"Ah, captain!"

Wire addressed Kid all too happily, clearly knowing you wouldn't explode on him while the aforementioned redhead was stood in the doorway. Kid gave him a nod of the head in greeting, just before he began to saunter over to where you were standing: face redder than his hair.

His Angel, Her Hothead | Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now