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| Positions / Ariana Grande |

[ Y/n ]

"Here. Pass me your schedule." I handed Lily my schedule and continued eating the bagel bites I'd made. "Damn, you're lucky. You get to see Professor Wolfhard three times a week."

"What? For history of the arts? Yeah, sound so fun." I mumbled. "Oh girl trust me. It will be fun. Look." She handed my schedule back and went to the school instagram. "Here. That's him." She showed me a picture of a tall man with curly hair and a jawline that could probably cut you. "Wow..." I whispered. "I know, he's fucking hot. Right?"

I nodded and studied him. He was smiling and holding up a picture. "Is that him as a kid?" I asked. "Yeah, it was for some dumb school event. But isn't he hot? And sometimes he wears glasses and I heard that's hot too." Lily took her phone back and I slouched in my chair. "Damn, I'm never going to pass that class with a guy like him teaching..."

"You should just suck his dick."

Lily and I turned to Timothée, who had just walked in. "Oh hey babe!" Lily got up and ran over to him. They shared a small kiss and I finished my last bagel bite. "I didn't know you were back from your parents house, Tim." I said. He shrugged and smiled at me. "I have class tomorrow." I nodded and went to throw my trash away.

"Which teacher are we talking about?" Timothée asked. "Professor Wolfhard. History of the arts." Timmy hummed and nodded. "Yeah, all the girls in my class would flirt with him."

"Would he flirt back?" I asked.

"Not really. He can't tell when someone is flirting with him so sometimes he could be a little flirtatious but obviously he didn't realize it."

I nodded and sighed. "God, this is a really shitty way to start junior year..."

"No one calls it that Y/n/n. It's third year." Lily corrected. "Whatever." I muttered, walking back up to my room.

I laid in bed and hugged my pillow to my chest. With my other hand, I pulled out my phone. I pulled up the school website and went to staff. I scrolled down, down, down until the very last name.

Finn Wolfhard | History of the Arts

Finn, that's so hot. Jesus. I need to stop.

I tossed my phone away and got up to go shower.

. . .

"Finn... Mmmgh don't stop." I held his bicep as he pounded me against his desk. "Fuck princess."

"Ah, that makes me so horny." I whined. "I know."

My stomach turned and suddenly we were in a kitchen. There were blue led lights somewhere but I wasn't sure where. I didn't care either. Warm lips kissed my neck down to my chest as Finn's hips rhythmically thrusted into me. "A-ah! Yes! Don't stop!"

Again, that odd spinning feeling and then suddenly I was being tossed onto a comfy bed. I wrapped my arms around Finn's neck as he slid his hard on into me. "Oooh fuck..." I whined. "Shit you feel so good Y/n." I stared at Finn who looked so hot above me. His hand roamed my bare skin for a moment before gripping my boob.


I sat up and gasped. Timothée and Lily laughed, making me shake my head. "What?" I asked. "Oh Finn!" "Don't stop!" "Yeah, just like that!" They mocked me. "Leave me alone!" I whined. "We got a video of it." Timmy pulled out his phone and I gasped. "Is it really 10?!" They nodded and I got out of bed.

"Jesus!" Timothée ran out of the room and Lily watched me run around in my underwear. "What?!" She asked. "Class starts in five minutes!" I groaned. I never thought I'd be late for a 10 am class.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it." Lily waved as she left, shutting the door.

. . .

I'm so late. My heart was racing as I approached the door.  I took a deep breath and walked into class. Luckily, everyone was talking. Professor Wolfhard looked over at me and I quickly looked away, rushing to my seat. "Alright. I just wanted to add... If you're going to be late, don't come at all. Lateness seriously throws me off."

He made eye contact with me and I quickly leaned down into my backpack to grab a piece of paper.

Shit, shit, shit.

I literally ruined a pair of underwear over this guy and he's talking about lateness?! But he makes it so hot! I'll never be late again. I pulled out my paper and sat back up. I stared at the thing in front of me before processing what it was. But I was too late. "Hello?" I looked up and my eyes widened.

I just stared directly at his dick.

Like, focused on his dick.

"Sorry, what?" I asked nervously. "I asked why you were late. Did you car break down? That's the most frequent one because no one ever wants to take responsibility for-"

"I slept through both my alarms and live ten minutes away from campus."

We stared at each other and my heart raced. "Well, thank you for being honest." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. "Pretty smile." He said before turning around and walking up to the board.

No. Fucking. Way.

I pulled out my phone and immediately opened my chat with Lily to tell her all about what just happened.

. . .

"So his dick was like... In your face?" She asked. "Well no but yes. Like... Ugh! It was so hot. There was a visible bulge. Ooh god I need to stop I'm getting kinda horny thinking about it." I mumbled as I put my head in my arms. Lily laughed and pat my head. "I was the exact same way when I first met Timothée. Don't worry Y/n/n, you can get through the year just fine."

We sat in silence for a moment before Lily laughed. "What?" I asked. "You wanna see the video we took of you this morning?" She asked. "Yes, then delete it." She nodded and moved next to me. I watched as she pulled up the video of me and cringed for a second.

"Mmm... Finn..."

"Shit, I'm kinda hot." I muttered. "I know right? Anyways. I'll delete it. Tim's taking me out tonight so I gotta go get ready." I nodded and waved to her as she left for her room.

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