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| Glory box / Portishead |

[ Narrator ]

Y/n returned to Finn's class the next morning, sitting in her seat up front. The areas around her were isolated and not that many kids had bothered to come today anyways.

They had gotten 11 inches of snow and it was -12 degrees outside. It was early for this kind of weather but the college kids didn't mind a reason to skip.

Finn walked in with snowflakes in his hair and his cheeks dusted pink.

He took his jacket off and laid it on the desk.

"Six people today?" He adjusted his glasses and ruffled his hair.

Y/n's heart fluttered and she looked away from him.

"I suppose today you can just do shit for other classes and if you need help I can do my best to help you." He muttered.

Y/n hadn't been able to get any good sketches finished and she needed something to show her Professor tomorrow.

Finn came over and sat down next to her.

"Whatcha drawing?" He peeked into her sketchbook and slid his hand onto her thigh under the desk. Y/n froze up but then continued as if nothing had happened.

"I'm just drawing." She mumbled.

Finn leaned in to kiss her cheek but realized the environment so he went to whisper to her.

"I wanna fuck you so bad right now."

He got up and moved on to another student. Y/n sat in a state of shock for a few minutes before realizing she had to get Finn back.

He returned to his desk but kept looking up at Y/n.

She reached down and drug her fingers up her thigh, bringing her dress up further to expose her thighs.

Finn's face heated up and he redirected his attention to grading papers.

Y/n smiled and pushed her dress down, going back to working in her sketchbook.

.  .  .

Finn waved goodbye to the other students and watched as Y/n pretended to be rushed but packed slowly. He knew exactly what she was doing and bit his lip.

The last student left and he walked over to the door, locking it.

The young woman looked up at him and he walked over to her.

Y/n grabbed his tie and pulled him down to her lips. Finn had no worries other than the janitor.

Only he had the keys to this room, there weren't windows, and there weren't any cameras either.

He picked Y/n up and carried her over to his desk.

She smiled and kissed Finn, letting his tongue roam the inside of her mouth. Her body seemed to gravitate closer to him.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now